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5/6/2021 12:38:34 PM
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5/6/2021 12:26:36 PM
Official Documents
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Agenda Item Number
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Halley Engineering Contractors, Inc.
Award of Bid No. 2021018 for Construction of 66th Ave Roadway Widening
(49th St. to 69th Street),
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Addendum 5 - 20210205 <br />14. As per Section 570- Performance Turf, all sodded areas shall be guaranteed for one year after date of final <br />acceptance. Please advise who maintain the irrigation system, and mow the sod during this guarantee <br />period? <br />See Notes on Landscape plans for Guarantee, Care and Maintenance. (Part 1, 1.08 and 1.09) for Phase 1A <br />Landscape Plans, and Phase 1B, Landscape and Irrigation Plans, sheet LD -2 and LD -2A. Further, the <br />Landscape contractor shall maintain, water and mow all landscape items for a period of 6 Months after <br />final acceptance. <br />15. Please advise who is responsible to relocate the property entrance gate for resident # 6730 in 69th St? <br />This is Parcel 316 (Mandina), Kimley Horn has developed a cure plan and corresponding construction cost <br />estimate for the County and provided to County and County appraiser. The gate relocations associated <br />with the parcel will be addressed within the right of way purchase. <br />16. Please advise who is responsible to relocate all property fences such as bare wire fence, wood fence, chain <br />link fence, etc.? <br />For Phase 113, the contractor is responsible to relocate/construct the proposed fencing identified within <br />the construction plans and summarized within the Summary of Fence on sheet no. 18. <br />17. Can you please provide the FP&L construction schedule under Indian River Contract? <br />The contractor will need to coordinate with FPL. <br />18. Can 69th St be complete closed for a period of 120 calendar days? <br />Yes, please refer to Contract Documents, Division 2, Technical Specifications, Section 102 — Maintenance <br />of Traffic. However, it cannot be closed at the same time as 651h Street. <br />19. Could you please provide the plans CADD files for the job? <br />Was provided with Addendum 3. <br />20. The bridge plans for 66th Avenue over North Relief Canal do not provide any information regarding the <br />existing bridge. The plan view does not depict the existing bridge in relation to the proposed bridge. <br />However, it appears from the roadway plans that the existing bridge falls within the footprint of the <br />proposed bridge. If this is the case, then the new bridge needs to be constructed in 2 phases in order to <br />maintain traffic on the existing bridge. Since the proposed bridge requires continuous transverse post - <br />tensioning, construction sequence drawings & detail should be provided. Please clarify and provide details. <br />MOT design and subsequent phasing approach is to be determined by the Contractor. If the intension of <br />the Contractor is to phase the bridge construction the contractor must obtain the services of a specialty <br />Engineer. It is a requirement to keep 2 lanes (one lane in each direction) of 66t' open at all times. <br />21. The bridge plans for 53rd Street over Lateral "A" Canal at 66th Avenue shows the existing bridge falls within <br />the footprint of the proposed bridge, so the new bridge needs to be constructed in 2 phases in order to <br />maintain traffic on the existing bridge. Since the proposed bridge requires continuous transverse post - <br />tensioning construction sequence drawings& detail should be provided. Please clarify and provide details. <br />The intent of the bridge construction plans is for a full road closure, refer to Contract Documents, <br />Division 2, Technical Specifications, Section 102 — Maintenance of Traffic. <br />22. In order to provide better pricing for the County, will it be for consideration to extend the bid date by a <br />week, that way there is ample time to share the latest addendum 3 with the subcontractors and suppliers. <br />Please advise. <br />The bid date has been extended 2 weeks to February 17, 2021. <br />Page 3 of 9 <br />
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