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Addendum 5 - 20210205 <br />23. How long will 66th Avenue be allowed to be closed, specifically with the bridge work? <br />66" Avenue will not be allowed to be closed. Two lanes (one lane in each direction) shall be maintained <br />at all times. <br />24. Reference Specification Division 2 Technical Provisions Section 001 A. states all work is to use FDOT 2015, <br />except for bridge and signal plans which will use 2016 edition. Structure Drawings.for Phase 1A on cover <br />sheet (ie sheet C-1 for bridge at 53rd) state use of FDOT 2016 drawings and specs, but General Notes (ie <br />sheet B-2 for bridge at 53rd) state the use of FDOT 2015. Confirm all structures are to follow FDOT 2016. <br />- Roadways of Section 1A and Section 1B are following FDOT Design Standards, Dated January 2015 <br />and FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction Dated 2015. <br />- All bridge structures of Phase 1A (53`d Ave Bridge over Lateral A, 66the Ave Bridge over NRC, and 57th <br />Bridge over Lateral A) shall use 2015 Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction <br />- All bridge structures of Phase 1B shall follow the specifications identified on the Structural Contract <br />Plans key sheet and should reference 2016. <br />25. Reference Pay Item 415-1-9 Reinforcing Steel for Bridge at 53rd St, pay item is 19,570 LB, this appears to be <br />reinforcement for the West approach slab only, please confirm, and provide updated pay quantity to <br />include the East approach slab. <br />The summary of quantities includes the quantities for the concrete and steel for both approach slabs. <br />26. Reference Pay Item 339-1 Miscellaneous Asphalt for Bridge at 53rd St, pay item is 2TN. Asphalt required in <br />4 corners as noted on sheet B-4, asphalt to be 2 inches thick per note on sheet 8-12, confirm quantity <br />should be 8.37 TN for this pay item. <br />The quantity for miscellaneous asphalt should be approximately 8 TN, 8.37 TN is an acceptable quantity. <br />27. Reference pay item 0110 3 REMOVAL OF EXISTING STRUCTURE (DWELLING) in Roadway phase 1A. No <br />structure removal details are found in the Roadway Phase 1A drawings. Addendum 3 answered question <br />#5 stating there are no dwellings to be demolished. Please provide scope of work, quantity, any as-builts <br />and specifications that are required for this pay item. <br />The Pay Item Number 0110 3 has been deleted. The itemized bid schedule has been revised accordingly <br />and will be issued with addendum 6. <br />28. The pricing sheet for phase 1A 00310-10 indicates the subtotal price for (49th street to 69th street); <br />however, on pricing sheet for phase 1B 00310-18 indicates to submit a price for (57th street to 69th street), <br />please clarify the intent on how to properly submit the prices. <br />The itemized bid schedule has been revised and will be issued with addendum 6. The subtotal price <br />name has been corrected on sheet 00310-10 to reflect the correct limits of phase 1A (49th to 57th Street). <br />29. The price sheet for phase 1A does not have a subtotal for pavement markings; however, the pricing sheet <br />for phase 1B have a subtotal for pavement markings only for the section from (57th street to 69th street), <br />please clarify the intent on how to properly submit the prices. <br />Pavement Markings quantities for phase 1A are included in the Itemized Bid Schedule under Phase 1A, <br />Roadway 49th Street to 57th Street. <br />30. Reference Section 00456 — Qualifications Questionnaire, Item #15 and #16. Item #15 Foreman — please <br />clarify the definition of the Project Foreman. We will have a foreman for each main operation of work. Is <br />the foreman definition more like the General Superintendent overseeing the 3 to 4 foreman? Item #16 — <br />Project Manager - please clarify this role. Is this the main overall manager on-site or off-site? <br />Foreman — Person in Control of field operation <br />Project Manager — Control of Project, can execute Work Change Directives, Submittals, Schedules. <br />Page 4 of 9 <br />