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Addendum 6 - 20210212 <br />RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS IF THE PLANS DO NOT INDICATE THE DISTANCES. This could be a $500,000 issue if not <br />worked thru by the county and we will not be including cost in our bid for this. <br />FPL Facilities are being relocated (plans attached). Contractor is responsible for determining means and <br />methods for bridge construction and shall include all costs in bid that are necessary to perform the work. <br />5. Will the millings of the existing road demo belong to the County? <br />Yes, all salvageable material shall remain the property of the Owner and shall be delivered to Road and Bridge <br />Department at 4550 41St Street. Refer to Division 1— General Requirements, Section 01009 — Special <br />Provisions, 1.1 General C. <br />Please clarify is the intent of the Plans is to use Color Treated & Stamped Concrete per detail sheet #20 of the <br />Arcadis Plans or Pay Item 523-2 Patterned Pavement Concrete, Non -Vehicular (no details for this item on the <br />plans)? <br />Yes, the color treated & stamped concrete is to be used at all left turn lanes as shown on page 20, also please <br />see legend on page 23 of 112 of the roadway plans and shall be paid under pay item 0523 2 Patterned <br />Pavement Concrete. <br />7. The pay item numbers for the Rip Rap at the 53rd and North Relief Canal bridges indicate Bank & Shore but the <br />call outs in the typical specify Ditch Lining. Do the pay items numbers on the bid form accurately represent <br />which rip rap type is to be placed? <br />The rip rap to be used is specified per FDOT specification section 530- <br />Since a pay item for bedding stone was not provided, do the quantities for items 530-3-3 include the tons of <br />bedding stone required or just the tons of bank & shore rip rap? <br />The cost of filter fabric and bedding stone is to be included with pay item 0530 3 3. The ton value of the pay <br />item includes the rip rap only. <br />Does pay item 160-4 Type "B" Stabilization on the Kimley Horn Plans includes the Roadway Construction on 61st <br />street & 65th street that it calls for "Construction of Stabilized Roadway" outside of the paving limits? <br />Yes <br />10. The bridge over the north relief canal does not appear to have any mounting saddles on the utility shelf for the <br />rwm crossing. The roadway plans also do not appear to address the issue. <br />How should we proceed? <br />The pipe cradles are relatively simple and will be added at time during or after construction once the pipe size <br />and number has been determined. <br />11. Are you able to provide quantities for detectable warning mats quantities for the Arcadia plan set? <br />We have added pay item 0527 2 with a quantity of 80SF to the revised Itemized Bid Schedule. <br />12. On 57th street, does the contractor has to install temporary signals/ temporary span wire and temporary poles, <br />or will a two way stop sign on 66th Avenue be allowed? <br />Signalization is required to be maintained. Contractor shall procure a specialty engineer and develop a <br />scheme based on their selected means and methods. Cost to be included as part of MOT. <br />13. The bid list calls for: <br />0711 14170 THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROW EA 28 <br />0711 14170A THERMOPLASTIC, STANDARD, WHITE, ARROW, U-TURN EA 23 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />