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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. 6 <br />Issue Date: February 12,,2021 <br />Project Name: 66' Ave Widening (49th St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />Bid Number: 2021018 <br />Bid Opening Date: Febpua y .17,,21 February 24, 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide clarification, corrections, or change of the Bid Documents and <br />modify the Bid Opening date. The information and documents contained in this addendum are hereby <br />incorporated in the invitation to bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on the bid <br />form, or the bid will be declared non-responsive. <br />Questions and Answers ' <br />1. Are all waterways on this project considered Florida Outstanding waterways? <br />i <br />All waterways directly connect to an Outstanding Florida Waterway (Indian River Lagoon). Therefore, <br />requirements of turbidity are subject to being treated as a Florida Outstanding Waterway. <br />i <br />2. The bid quantity for this bridge is incorrect in addendum #3. 12450-88-15C and 12450-88-15D are called on the <br />I <br />bid sheets to be 15" thick deck units. These deck units are shown on the plan to be 18" deck units. This needs <br />to be corrected. I <br />Agreed, Itemized Bid Sheet has been corrected. <br />3. The specifications used for the bridges is 2015. These specifications for post tensioning are very elaborate and in <br />the past contractors have not had to abide by the specs. The specs now call for certified grout installers under <br />section 105 and the same for post tension installers. Will the county require this to be adhered to by the <br />contractors? For this project you are looking at several hundreds of thousands of dollars additional for this <br />work. Please confirm this is your intent because bidders are not aware of these post tension requirements. <br />The question is ambiguous, therefore we are not able to provide a response. <br />4. As FPL power lines are not shown on the bridge plans and not indicated on the roadway plans at the bridges that <br />FPL or Indian River County will be responsible for placing the lines outside of OSHA requirements in order to <br />construct the bridges. We will need approximately 15' from the edge of every pick to the power lines. The <br />crane boom sizes (5' wide) need to be taken into consideration in order to calculate the distance required to be <br />outside of OSHA requirements.. The contractor has no way of telling any distances from the power lines to the <br />edge of each bridge to know how close the power lines areas the plans do not indicate this. WE CANNOT BE <br />