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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. 7 <br />Issue Date: February 18, 2021 <br />Project Name: 66th Ave Widening (49th St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />Bid Number: 1 2021018 <br />Bid Opening Date: February 24, 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide clarification, corrections, or change of the Bid Documents. <br />The information and documents contained in this addendum are hereby incorporated in the invitation to <br />bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on the bid form, or the bid will be declared <br />non-responsive. <br />Questions and Answers <br />1. What does the County define as abnormal weather, conditions, in order to compensate Contract Time? <br />General contract time extensions for weather related delays will follow FDOT Standard Specifications for <br />Road and Bridge Construction, January 2015, Section 8-7.3.2. <br />2. In addendum #3, in the pre-bid discussion notes Brian Good states "Class IV RCP shall be used" does that pertain <br />to Phase 113 only, there is no referenced to that in Arcadis's plans for Phase 1A? When will the updated plans be <br />issued to show the added 60" RCP, 72" RCP, and additional Rip Rap Rubble in Phase 1A? <br />"Class IV RCP" shall apply to the project limits of phase 1A and 1B. Updated plans will be issued with the <br />"Released for Construction" Contract Plans. <br />3. Please clarify if the last two joints of the 48" x 76", 60", 66", and 72" RCP runs that end with the Rip Rap Rubble <br />end treatments will require concrete collars as the show in the Phase 1B Kimley Horn plans? <br />The above referred pipes in the phase 1 A section will end with a rip rap rubble end treatment and the <br />quantities for rip rap have been updated with Addendum 6. A concrete collar is not added to the end <br />treatment. <br />4. Items 400=148 for Phase B itemized bid schedule show a quantity of 2 for both the 61st and 65th street bridges, <br />but the quantity is being calculated by 1.7 for each item. <br />The correct quantity for both bridges item no. 4007148 is 1.7 CF. If you are using the excel bid sheet, it will <br />calculate with a quantity of 1.7 CF and no changes are required. If you are using the pdf sheet (Itemized Bid <br />Schedule, page 00310-17), please change the quantity for item 400-148 and 400-148A from 2 CF to 1.7 CF (two <br />locations). <br />