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Indian River County Purchasing Division <br /> <br />ADDENDUM NO. 8 <br />Issue Date: February 19, 2021 <br />Project Name: 66th Ave Widening (491h St to 69th St) — IRC -1505 <br />Bid Number: 2021018 <br />Bid Opening Date: February 24; 2021 <br />This addendum is being released to provide clarification, corrections, or change of the Bid Documents. <br />The information and documents contained in this addendum are hereby incorporated in the invitation to <br />bid. This addendum must be acknowledged where indicated on the bid form, or the bid will be declared <br />non-responsive. <br />Questions and Answers <br />1. On Addendum 7 note 3 states that "a concrete collar is not added to the end treatment". Being that they are <br />concrete pipe outfalls (with 8' joints) we are assuming the concrete collars at 8' and 16' back from the end of <br />the pipe on the large outfalls are to be installed, per plan. Please clarify to all bidder whether those collars, as <br />identified on the plans, are to be installed. <br />Question 3 of Addendum 7: Please clarify if the last two joints of the 48" x 76", 60'; 66", and 72" RCP runs that end <br />with the Rip Rap Rubble end treatments will require concrete collars as the show in the Phase 18 Kimley Horn <br />plans? <br />quantitis;fax r�p rap have been updated with 4lddandum 6 -4 warrate C.G.11aX 11S.Rat a -'dad to the -and <br />Correction to .Question 3 of Addendum 7: <br />All large diameter concrete outfall pipes shall include two concrete collars (at 8' and 16' from the end of pipe) <br />with the rip rap end treatment as shown on Phase 1B Roadway Plans, Sheet 88A, Detail for "Typical Culvert <br />Revetment" for the entire project limit of Phase 1A and Phase 1B. <br />2. The Bid Date of this project was changed to February 24th, 2021, last week. The FTBA Conference (which is <br />directly associated with the FDOT), which most every major contractor, subcontractor, vendor, CEI firm and <br />testing firms are attending, is on February 21-24. This conference is a once per year event. The FDOT schedules <br />their Letting Dates around this conference each year. Can the bid date be pushed back to allow for the <br />contractors, subcontractors, vendors and testing firms to still attend the statewide conference? <br />The bid opening date will remain the same. <br />