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income for housing, and housing for which a household devotes more than 30% of its <br />income shall be deemed Affordable if the first institutional mortgage lender is satisfied that <br />the household can afford mortgage payments in excess of the 30% benchmark and in the <br />case of rental housing does not exceed those rental limits adjusted for bedroom size. <br />N. Welfare Transition Program: Should an eligible sponsor be used, a qualification system and <br />selection criteria for applications for Awards to eligible sponsors shall be developed, which <br />includes a description that demonstrates how eligible sponsors that employ personnel from <br />the Welfare Transition Program will be given preference in the selection process. <br />0. Monitoring and First Right of Refusal: In the case of rental housing, the staff and any entity <br />that has administrative authority for implementing the local housing assistance plan <br />assisting rental developments shall annually monitor and determine tenant eligibility or, to <br />the extent another governmental entity provides the same monitoring and determination, <br />a municipality, county or local housing financing authority may rely on such monitoring and <br />determination of tenant eligibility. However, any loan in the original amount of $10,000 or <br />less shall not be subject to this annual monitoring and determination of tenant eligibility <br />requirements. Tenant eligibility will be monitored annually for no less than 15 years or the <br />term of assistance whichever is longer unless as specified above. <br />Eligible sponsors that offer rental housing for sale before 15 years or that have remaining <br />mortgages funded under this program must give a first right of refusal to eligible nonprofit <br />organizations for purchase at the current market value for continued occupancy by eligible <br />persons. <br />Administrative Budget: A line -item budget of proposed Administrative Expenditures is <br />attached as Exhibit A. Indian River County finds that the funds deposited in the local <br />housing assistance trust fund shall be used to administer and implement the local housing <br />assistance plan. <br />Section 420.9075 Florida Statute and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, states: <br />"A county or an eligible municipality may not exceed the 5 percent limitation on <br />administrative costs, unless its governing body finds, by resolution, that 5 percent of the <br />local housing distribution plus 5 percent of program income is insufficient to adequately pay <br />the necessary costs of administering the local housing assistance plan." <br />Section 420.9075 Florida Statute and Chapter 67-37, Florida Administrative Code, further <br />states: "The cost of administering the program may not exceed 10 percent of the local <br />housing distribution plus 5 percent of program income deposited into the trust fund, except <br />that small counties, as defined in s. 120.52(19), and eligible municipalities receiving a local <br />housing distribution of up to $350,000 may use up to 10 percent of program income for <br />administrative costs." <br />The applicable local jurisdiction has adopted the above findings in the resolution attached <br />as Exhibit E. <br />Q. Program Administration: Administration of the local housing assistance plan will be <br />performed by: <br />Entity <br />Duties <br />Admin. Fee Percentage <br />Indian River County <br />Administer the program <br />10% <br />9 <br />