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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final March 16, 2021 <br />Chief of Current Development Ryan Sweeney addressed Commissioner Adams' <br />concern regarding the entrance and exit of the Griffon North Project, if the Griffon <br />South Project does not move forward. <br />Vice Chairman O'Bryan and Commissioner Earman sought and received <br />information from staff regarding the increased landscape buffers between the <br />existing residential areas, the tentative plans for the Griffon South Project, and <br />followed up with the difference between the traffic flow of a single-family <br />residence versus multi -family residence. In response to the questions raised by the <br />Vice Chairman and Commissioner Earman, Community Development Director Phil <br />Matson highlighted the project's landscape buffer from existing residential areas, <br />and distinguished the difference in the traffic flow of a single-family versus <br />multi -family residence, stating a multi -family unit could be served easier through <br />public transportation, generated less traffic, maintained connectivity, and provided <br />an opportunity to make less trips via another mode. <br />Steve Moler, Vice President of Masteller, Moler & Taylor, Inc., spoke on the <br />proposed Griffon North Project, stating the 300 foot setback for the multi -family <br />units were built into the plan. Additionally, an acquired easement from the Pine <br />Creek Community would allow a road to cross between the Griffon North and <br />South Projects. <br />Vice Chairman O'Bryan commented for full transparency that he had run into Mr. <br />Moler over the weekend, but there was no discussion of the project. <br />Chairman Flescher opened the public hearings. There being no speakers, the <br />Chairman closed the hearing. <br />A motion was made by Commissioner Adams, seconded by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, <br />to approve staffs recommendations and adopt Ordinance 2021-006, amending the <br />zoning ordinance and the accompanying zoning map from RS -6, Residential <br />Single -Family (up to 6 units/acre), to PD, Planned Development, for approximately <br />27.69 acres of land generally located on south of 26th Street, approximately 1,660 feet <br />east of 82nd Avenue and described herein and providing for an effective date. The <br />motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, Commissioner <br />Earman, and Commissioner Moss <br />B. PUBLIC DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />10.13.1. 21-0335 Request to Speak from Ken Hendrix and Spencer Simmons re: <br />Commercial Businesses in Agricultural Districts <br />Indian River County Florida Page 9 <br />