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Mr. Himanshu Mehta. P. E. <br />4 May 2021. <br />Page 4 <br />prepare the FDEP solid waste operation permit modification application for the Class I landfill at <br />IRCL site. Geosyntec will complete FDEP Form No. 62-701.900(l) titled "Application for a Permit <br />to Construct, Operate, Modify or Close a Solid Waste Management Facility" and address the <br />additional information items required by the form. The following activities will be performed to <br />prepare the:permit modification application for the Class I landfill: <br />• Prepare an engineering report addressing the requirements of Rule 62-701.320, F.A.C. The <br />report will also demonstrate how SWDD plans to comply with new or revised laws or rules <br />relating to construction, operation, or closure of the Class I Landfill. <br />• <br />Rey ise and update the Operations and Training Plan to include the leachate evaporator and <br />recirculation, as necessary, for the Class I Landfill. <br />• Describe the leachate procedures per Part GA of Form 62-701.900(1) as required by <br />subsection 62-701.400(5), F.A.C., including: <br />o general procedures for recirculating leachate; <br />o procedures for controlling leachate runoff and minimizing leachate runoff with <br />stormwater; <br />o procedures for preventing perched water conditions and gas buildup; <br />o alternate methods for leachate management when it cannot be recirculated due to <br />weather or runoff conditions, surface seeps, wind-blown spray, or elevated levels of <br />leachate head on the liner; and <br />o methods of gas management in accordance with Rule 62-701.530, F.A.C. <br />In addition to revisions to the Operations and Training Plan, Geosyntec will perform HELP model <br />analysis to estimate the impacts on the head of leachate over the liner as a result of leachate <br />recirculation. <br />• Prepare engineering permit drawings for the proposed leachate evaporator including site <br />layout and piping plan from the existing landfill gas flare station to the proposed location for <br />the. evaporator. (Geosyntec has assumed that these drawings would be prepared and <br />provided by Heartland and its partners for the permit application.) Therefore, no budget for <br />preparing permit drawings is included in the proposal. <br />• Address any prohibitions that may apply to the facility in accordance with Rule 62-701.300, <br />F.A-.C. <br />• Compile a list of enforcement actions. <br />• Complete the required FDEP Form 62-701.900(1) and prepare a transmittal letter to FDEP <br />that summarizes the permit modification application package. <br />NC132021-3108J1-21026_Proposal for Class I Landfill Engineering Permitting Services_ Revised <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />