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Mr. Himanshu H. Mehta, P.E. <br />27 April 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />Geosynte& <br />consultants <br />Task 1 — Proiect Management: Under this task, Geosyntec will perform project planning and <br />management responsibilities, such as correspondence with IRC SWDD and FDEP, invoice review, <br />project coordination, and project administration. The budget includes five hours per sampling/reporting <br />event and one hour per month for the project manager (22 hours total), one hour for the senior principal - <br />in -charge, and one hour per month (12 hours total) for the administrative assistant. <br />Task 2 — Meetings/Regulatory Interaction: Under this task, Geosyntec will prepare for and attend <br />up to two meetings, with IRC SWDD, FDEP, and/or:1RC Board of County Commission, as necessary. <br />It has been assumed that one of these meetings will be in person and one meeting will be by video or <br />conference call. Also, under this task, four hours has been included for the senior principal -in -charge <br />to provide ongoing support to IRC SWDD related to interaction and negotiation with FDEP. <br />Task 3 — Annual Pollution Remediation Liabilities Evaluation: As requested by IRC SWDD, under <br />this task, Geosyntec will prepare the annual environmental liability evaluation. This document is <br />prepared annually in response to Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 49 (GASB <br />No. 49), Accounting and Financial Reporting for Pollution Remediation Obligations, which requires <br />the inclusion and calculation of pollution remediation obligations. The objective of GASB No. 49 is to <br />enhance the usefulness and comparability of pollution remediation obligation information reported by <br />state and local governments. It has been assumed that the report will include evaluation of two sites, <br />including South Gifford Road Closed Landfill (4701 41St Street) and Former Premier Citrus Property <br />(375 82nd Street). In addition, two hours have been included for a Florida registered professional <br />engineer to conduct an independent review of the liability evaluation. <br />Task 4 — Semi -Annual Sampling Activities: Under this task, Geosyntec will perform 2021 field <br />activities related to the performance monitoring and plume groundwater monitoring. The semi-annual <br />activities will include field preparation, groundwater sampling, and water level measurements. Field <br />preparation activities will include scheduling and staffing, subcontracting, coordination with the <br />analytical laboratory, field equipment preparation, procurement of Passive Diffusion Bag (PDB) <br />samplers, and notifying FDEP and Vero Beach Municipal Airport of the field schedule. <br />Geosyntec will perform the groundwater sampling activities associated with the CVOC plume <br />monitoring well network. Sampling activities in 2021 will be completed with a combination of PDB <br />samplers and traditional low -flow sampling techniques and will transition to PDB samplers only in <br />2022. PDBs are anticipated to be purchased from EON Products, one of the few suppliers of this type <br />of passive sampling device. Groundwater sampling activities will be executed using a two -person <br />sampling crew and will be performed in general accordance with the FDEP Standard Operating <br />Procedures (SOPS). The proposed summer 2021 field event (tentatively scheduled for June) will <br />include sampling of nine monitoring wells (seven wells using PDBs and two wells with traditional <br />sampling techniques). The summer 2021 field event is budgeted to include one-half day for <br />groundwater sampling activities and one day for PDB deployment for the next sampling event (total of <br />one and one-half [ 1.5] field days each with two persons). The proposed winter 2021 field event <br />F 80766=21012 <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />