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Senior Resource Association
Subrecipient Award Agreement for providing and
administering mass transit service for Indian River County
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STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Form 728-000.02 <br />PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION STRATEGIC <br />- DEVELOPMENT <br />GRANT AGREEMENT EXHIBITS OOc02120 <br />9. Annual Plan or Update. The Agency shall submit a Transit Development Plan (TDP) or annual update to the <br />Department by September 1 of each year. <br />a) As a separate part of the transit development plan or annual report, the Agency will address potential <br />enhancements to productivity and performance which would have the effect of increasing farebox ratio <br />pursuant to Section 341.071(2), F.S. <br />b) A TDP shall conform to the requirements in Rule 14-73, available at: <br />line/chapterhitp:// <br />10. Safety Requirements. Mark the required Safety submittal or provisions for this Agreement if applicable: <br />X Bus Transit System — In accordance with Section 341.061, F.S., and Rule 14-90, Florida <br />Administrative Code, the Agency shall submit, and the Department shall have on file, an annual safety <br />certification that the Agency has adopted and is complying with its adopted System Safety and Security <br />Program Plan pursuant to Rule Chapter 14-90 and has performed annual safety inspections of all buses <br />operated. <br />Fixed Guideway Transportation System (established) — In accordance with Section 341.061, F.S., the <br />Agency shall submit, and the Department shall have on file, annual certification by the Agency of <br />compliance with its System Safety and Security Program Plan, pursuant to Rule 14-15.017 and the <br />"Safety and Security Oversight Program. Standards Manual", DOT Topic Number 725-030-014. <br />Fixed Guideway Transportation System — This applies to New Starts projects and subsequent major <br />projects to extend, rehabilitate, or modify an existing system, or to replace vehicles and equipment. In <br />accordance with Section 341.061, F.S., the Agency shall submit a certification attesting to the adoption <br />of a System Safety Program Plan pursuant to Rule 14-15.017 and the "Safety and Security Oversight <br />Program Standards Manual", DOT Topic Number 725-030-014. Prior to beginning passenger service <br />operations, the Agency shall submit a certification to the Department that the new start system or <br />major modification to an existing system is safe for passenger service. <br />Not Applicable <br />11. Transit Vehicle Inventory Management. The agency will follow the Department's Transit Vehicle Inventory <br />Management Procedure (725-030-0251), which outlines the requirements for continuing management control, <br />inventory transfer and disposal actions. This procedure pertains ONLY to capital procurements of rolling stock <br />using the FTA Section 5310, Section 5311, Section 5316 and Section 5317 programs as the funding source, <br />or where the Department participates in 50% or more of the public transit vehicle's purchase price. This may <br />include vehicles purchased under the State Transit Block Grant Program, State Transit Corridor Program, <br />State Transit Service Development Program, or other applicable Departmental programs. <br />12. Formula Information. As authorized in Section 341.052, F.S., the annual appropriation in the program is <br />divided by formula and then distributed to each eligible transit system. The fonnula described below is <br />adjusted each year based on data received from the transit systerns' federally required National Transit Data <br />(NTD) report. A copy of the NTD report is required to be sent to the Department each year. <br />Distribution is accomplished through a rnultiple step process. 15% of the appropriation is given to the <br />Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged to be distributed to the Community Transportation <br />Coordinators in accordance with Chapter 427, F.S. The remaining 85% is divided into three equal portions. <br />Each eligible transit system gets a percentage of the first portion based on their percentage of total population <br />served; the second portion is allocated based on their percentage of total revenue miles of service provided; <br />22 of 2-5 <br />
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