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Mayor Brackett said the City is not saying that they did. <br />Mr. O'Bryan asked then why are they here. <br />Mayor Brackett explained that they are trying to find out if the STA exists or not. <br />Mr. O'Bryan felt that was irrelevant. He said the County has not tried to provide service. <br />Mayor Brackett questioned then the County's intention is to walk IRS down the aisle and walk <br />away at the last minute. He asked what happens if it is feasible. <br />Mr. O'Bryan said IRS would have to settle the issue with the City on if they could get out ofthe <br />City's service territory. <br />Chairman Flescher said it is IRS's lawsuit and when the County discussed this with IRS he <br />cautioned them to be careful what they wish for because they might not be happy with the result. <br />It is either going to be for them to support their study if it is feasible and if it is not feasible it is <br />not feasible. He said the County is not interested in the water business. He felt this was about <br />feasibility on IRS's end. He said the Mayor stated that he was not prepared to discuss pricing, but <br />he (Chairman Flescher) was not talking about "dollars per gallon." <br />Mayor Bracket said to understand this, if the County is stating that if it becomes feasible it is IRS's <br />responsibility to come to the City to be released and the County is stating that this contract isn't <br />enforced. <br />Chairman Flescher thought so. <br />Mr. O'Bryan said if IRS decides they think it is feasible to have the County provide service it is <br />their responsibility to figure out how to get out of the STA. <br />Mayor Brackett said the City needs to know if the 1989 TA is permanent or not because the City <br />has to build a new facility and if they have to worry about anyone taking their customers they <br />cannot build an appropriate facility. <br />Mr. Winger said that he was the Mayor at the time when the City tried to have a franchise <br />agreement with the County and the sticky point of why they didn't come to terms at that time was <br />the fact that there was no acknowledgement of the permanency of the 1989 TA. He said they <br />should have resolved what they are trying to resolve today at that time. Ile said that was a historical <br />mistake and what the Mayor is trying to do is fix it. <br />Mr. Flescher said the number one (1) reason why there is a lawsuit is because of fear of rates. <br />They want to know what they are going to be paying. <br />6 09/08/21 Joint City Council/County Commission <br />