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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final July 13, 2021 <br />(Clerk's Note: This item was moved to be heard following Item IO.B.1., and is <br />placed here for continuity.) <br />Indian River County Sheriff Eric Flowers addressed the Commissioners regarding <br />the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, and he made it clear that <br />the law enforcement officers at the Sheriffs Office had no intention of taking guns <br />from people. He was in support of the approval of a Resolution designating the <br />County a Second Amendment Sanctuary, to be proposed under Item 14.A.1. <br />No Action Taken or Required <br />C. PUBLIC NOTICE ITEMS <br />11. COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR MATTERS <br />12. DEPARTMENTAL MATTERS <br />Chairman Flescher called for a recess at 11:22 a.m., and he reconvened the meeting <br />at 11:26 a.m., with all members present. <br />A. Community Development <br />12.A.1. 21-0634 Review of Proposed Request for Proposals for a Developer to Redevelop the <br />Former Gifford Gardens Apartments Site with Housing that is Affordable <br />Recommended Action: Staff and the AHAC recommend that the BCC review the proposed final Draft <br />RFP and: 1. Provide any proposed changes to the RFP; 2. Allow any potential <br />final edits to the RFP as may be recommended by various County review <br />departments; 3. Direct staff to advertise the RFP (as may be modified). <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />RFP <br />Long Range Planning Chief Bill Schutt referred to staffs memorandum dated <br />June 24, 2021, and a PowerPoint presentation to discuss the prior action by the <br />Board with regard to redeveloping the former Gifford Gardens Apartments site, <br />located at 4730 40th Avenue, to an affordable housing neighborhood. He <br />highlighted the proposed Request For Proposal (RFP) guidelines, and reminded <br />the Board that 22 Single -Family water and sewer ERUs had been preserved <br />with the liens and charges removed to make the property marketable to a <br />potential developer; American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds of $350,000 would be <br />available as a financial incentive for design and infrastructure expenses. Chief <br />Schutt pointed out the proposed stipulations that would apply to future <br />homeowners, the qualifications and requirements of the developer, and the <br />Evaluation Criteria and point system that would be used when the proposals <br />were received. <br />Indian River County Florida Page 11 <br />