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Board of County Commissioners Meeting Minutes - Final July 13, 2021 <br />Discussion ensued among Community Development Director Phil Matson, <br />Chief Schutt, and members of the Board, which included the allowance of <br />additional time for the developers to submit their RFP; setting a specified <br />equity mechanism for homeowners who wished to sell to ensure that the <br />housing would remain affordable and the seller would receive equity for their <br />time of ownership; the Homeowner Association costs; and native plants, which <br />may be donated by the Pelican Island Audubon. <br />County Attorney Dylan Reingold requested clarification on incorporating <br />guidelines for purchasing a home and equity specifics for selling a home into <br />the proposed Evaluation Criteria. Director Matson felt it would be best for <br />staff to change the category "Community Compatibility" to read "Community <br />Interest and Compatibility." <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Earman, to approve staff's recommendation with the following changes to be <br />made by staff: 1) to adjust the deadline to mid-September for all Request for <br />Proposals (RFPs) to be received; and 2) to change the Evaluation Criteria <br />category from "Community Compatibility" to read "Community Interest & <br />Compatibility." The motion carried by the following vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, <br />Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss <br />B. Emergency Services <br />C. General Services <br />12.C.1. 21-0692 Irrigation System Pump Station Replacement at Sandridge Golf Club, Dunes <br />Course <br />Recommended Action.- Staff recommends the Board waive the requirement for bids for replacement of <br />the pump station and authorize the Purchasing Division to issue a Purchase <br />Order to Watertronics in the amount of $290,983.00. Staff also recommends <br />the Board authorize the Purchasing Manager to sign the Watertronics quotation <br />after review and approval by the County Attorney as to form and legal <br />sufficiency. <br />Attachments: Staff Report <br />Watertronics quote <br />Assistant County Administrator Mike Zito was present to answer any questions <br />from the Board; however, there was no discussion on the item. <br />A motion was made by Vice Chairman O'Bryan, seconded by Commissioner <br />Adams, to approve staff's recommendation. The motion carried by the following <br />vote: <br />Aye: 5 - Chairman Flescher, Vice Chairman O'Bryan, Commissioner Adams, <br />Commissioner Earman, and Commissioner Moss <br />Indian River County Florida Page 12 <br />