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i 1.ESOU ION <br />WHEY S, The Board of County Commissioners, in and for <br />Indian River County, Florida, in the preservation of human lives, <br />desiring to cooperate in the treatment and cure, if possible, of <br />tuberculosis patients living within this County, and In order to <br />preserve they public health for its citizens, not infected with <br />tuberculosis, have heretofore assisted all tuberculosis patients <br />making, application to them, in a financial way, by providing <br />the necessary cost for hospitalization and treatment in the <br />several Tube rculr»JO Sanatorium located within the State, .for such <br />period of time, as was prescribed by the attending physicl*n; and <br />WIT , there are oeveral Tubercular Hospitals within <br />the State classed as liberty .roe institutions, allowing, the <br />patients ail the llbcrty D*4#886ry for their recovery and <br />h&ppit**a; whsle there is ons dUQh Institution chased sa com- <br />pulsory or restricted Institution, where the patients are kept <br />under strict rule* a a if necessary to preserve the <br />sarcty of such patients and to prevent them becoming a menace <br />to their health earns re+ overt', and to their families snJ the <br />public; and <br />WIVIMAS, certain patient*, during treaty ret, have here- <br />tofore imposed upon their Iibsrty privileges, and. In .so in- <br />stances left the hospital before being released or discharged <br />aruf returned to their homes, thereby becoming a me is to their <br />f#milies aroi the comity; and, when it becomes necesea:ry to <br />return there to the hospital all treatment and expenses theratofoZe <br />Incurred is wasted and treatment ha.r to be started over, making <br />it expensive on the County; ernd <br />WHERFAS, it has become necessary, that certain rules be <br />prescribed by this Board to prevent such conduct on the pert <br />of the patients in the future; Now, therefore, <br />BE 1T Ri:`30iUZo that in the sutura, all tuberculosis <br />patients sent from this county to 4 tuberculosis sanatorium, be <br />