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and they are required to remain at said Institution until <br />• fully and regularly released by the attending physician, and <br />in the event any patient leaves without this permission that <br />they be immediately arrested and placed in the Institution <br />maintaining compulsory attendanoe and treatment, under the <br />direction of such guards as may be necessary to insure their <br />remaining there until We for themselves and their families <br />and the public for them to leave, and <br />RE IT FURTHER RMOLVED, that a copy of this Resolution <br />be furnished to all tuberculosis patients, whooe treat e:nt is <br />being financed by the County and to the hospital where they are <br />**nt, <br />ae t o • w +� a e <br />3TA,TX Or FLORIDA <br />coif -O Y 07 INDIAN E IVO <br />I Douglas Rakes` clerk of the Circuit Court Im and <br />for Indian liver County, Florida, and ex officio Cleric of the <br />Board at County Coaeissionors or Indian River County, Florida, <br />hereby certify that the above anal rare ot" is a true, and correct <br />copy of a Resolution regularly adopted by ttia Board of County <br />Ge isxlon4rx of IrAian ?Aver County, Florida In a meeting <br />assembled aa the 2nd day at Januargr:, A. D., 145i, and that <br />the some has been duly incorporated In the minutes of said <br />Rooting. <br />IN WITIOM WHYAZtF I have hereto affixed my hand and <br />official *$&I thie lot day d February, A. P., 1951. <br />..,.h �w <br />�� esf ttae rcu <br />