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Maw <br />WHEREAS, the Board of County Comnissionera of Indian <br />River County, Florida, Is interested In the preservation of fish <br />mid gatno In Indian River County, Florida; and, <br />WHEREAS, it to the opialon of the Board of County Com- <br />minsionern that It would be to tho best Inte"ot of the Digi :cans <br />of Indian River County, PlortVA, tVA a dKInita, line be ostab- <br />linhad doftntng wid dotermlvifit,,-, tho part of the Sebastian River <br />which Ites In Indian River Gmmt� A r�Wu, an to that to cim- <br />stitutem fresh water wider the lawsi )t' tt�o Stato of Florida and 4a <br />to that which ennatItutor anit wntor utvlar um 1*,wd of* the State <br />of Florida; Now, th4reforf"), <br />OR IT RMOLVEL by the imp A Caw Amlmnlo"Orm of <br />Indian Rlv-r n tW lomr* Wrowith ran- <br />Phatrully, <br />";�;3mlMon or the <br />Otsto -1 P110KI A, 1 A <br />"7) <br />(suit water 1" thm Ombawttqu �trt of outd <br />.. ..... . ... ... . .......... <br />River lymy mum, Rtwqv i" MY, FLUVIT" <br />the BabMian Ptyar : P!Aym nn pi )rtdn Shntm NqMvoy No, 0 <br />declare Ant all -V 1., M"m of OW r0mv i ! : "hy to &",,I <br />Wmat of said cmtor !I,, PrOOL mm"r =4 Uk -V thV <br />the Beat of nP14 foot wmt,r; ti.vt, <br />Resolution be fumW"" ko the GWOM mM Prolh W"'..n Qmyltm- <br />elan of the Otato "r ekrW, wtth tim rhqmm t,. <br />alon fix said ima an auwnrtze:,o-ro", <br />Statutes, and with the requant that m cartirtod cap, �n!! <br />order be Mod wIQ m Cl"k nr thin Ward. <br />