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WHEREV3, the Board of County Commissioners of Indian <br />River County, Florida, is interested in the preservation of fish <br />and game in Indian River County, Florida; and, <br />WHERKA3, It in the opinion of the Board of County Com- <br />missioners that it would be to the beat interest of the citizens <br />of Indian River County, Florida, that as definite line be estab- <br />lished defining and determining the part of the Sobttition River <br />which lies In Indian River County, Florida, an to that which con- <br />stitutes fresh water under the laws of the State of Florida and as <br />to that which constitutes salt wflter under the laws of tho `;tate <br />of Florida; Now, therefore, <br />BL IT HIJOLVED by the Board of County Cor=ii3O,oners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, that thin, Board does herewith rel- <br />pectfully request the rinme and Fresh "-:ater Finh Commission of the <br />3tato of Florida to fix the dividlnxline between fresh water and <br />salt water in the Sahnatinn River In that Port of said Heba"tian <br />River lyinv in Indian River County, Florida, as the center line of <br />the �,ehastian River ilrtdpe on Florida ';tAte Hiphway No. 5 and <br />declare that all of the waters of said river* in i,,�id County to the <br />West of said center line an fresh water and all of the waters to <br />the Fast of $Aid Center line as salt water; and, <br />fig IT PURTUR kv,:oLVMj that, a certified copy of this <br />Resolution be furnished to th;:� Game and Fresh !eater Flah c(immis- <br />sion of the State of Florida, with the request that said Com.miq- <br />sion fix said line an authorized under Section 371.01 (11), Florida <br />15tatutea, and with the request that a certified copy of said <br />order be filed with the Clerk of this Board. <br />