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- <br />31 <br />_� <br />A E S 0 L U T 1 0 N <br />WIMEAS, Indian River County, Florida, is the owner of <br />certain property in the City of Vero Beach; and, <br />liUREAS, it is necessary and advisable and to the beat <br />interests of said County and the City of Vero Beach, Florida, that <br />an Easement and right of way for public :street and road be estab- <br />lished over, on and across a part of said property; Now, therefore, <br />HE IT R.ESOLVM by the Board Of County Comilssioners of <br />Indian river County, Florida, that this Board does herewith agree <br />to convey enseanents to tt�e City of vera Beach over, on and across <br />property owned by this Board in Vero Beach, Indlan Ffiver County, <br />Florida, as followos, to -wit: <br />An ease rrt and right of way for a public street over, <br />on and across the folloving described property, <br />situated !n Vero Reacts, Indian River County, Plorida, <br />to -wit: <br />The Salt 35, Feet Of the Nortbweat quarter of <br />the Northeast quarter or Ssottoti 11, Townmhtp <br />33 South, merge 39 East ALSO, <br />The North 40 :feet of the South 0 feet of the <br />Southwest quarter or the Southeast quarter or <br />Section 2, Township 33 South, hangs )9 East, <br />except the M43t °l fest or sa:ld quarter <br />section, Ar.10, <br />An eaeocnent and rl .ht of way for a draiseago canal and <br />+itch provided said canal or ducks shalt not exceed <br />15' feet in width nor a depth or h root over, on and <br />across the following described property. sltUat#,d its <br />Vero Beach, ;Indian Rlveer Cou°rty, Florids:, to --wit t <br />The North 35 feast or tho Southwest quarter or <br />the ttorthoust quartos of Sootton 11, Townsitip <br />33 South, Rani o )`i East, <br />