<br />E z I
<br />R% S 0 L U T 1 0 N
<br />WWRAS, Indian River County, Florida, to the owner of
<br />certain property in the Cit,,, of Vero Reach; and,
<br />I'IrEIMAS, It in nonounar,
<br />y and advlaablo al)(1 to the beat
<br />Interests of said County and the City of Vero Beach, Florida, that
<br />all EASOMOnt and r1krht of way for public street and road be estab-
<br />lished over, on and acroas a purt of nat(I property, Now, therefore,
<br />BE TT RESOLVIM, by the Board Or Colinty Commissioners of
<br />Indian River (lotaity, ?1')ridtA, t'lat this Hoard does herewith agree
<br />to 00"VOY 0430.AOntt to tl* City of Vero eeach savor, on and across
<br />property oOd by thla board In Vero 3exa i, Tridlan River County,
<br />Plorida, as rollows* to -mit,
<br />An etzonmnt and rl�,ht Ir W&Y for a Public street ovor#
<br />on and scrota the f0llOwlr propert
<br />01tu4ted In Vero Reach, ln4lan River OmAnty# Alorida't
<br />Tho 1,1mat 15 f4tt of the Sorthw4st qi&*rtar of
<br />tN* Northeast q4t*rter Or r4ation, 11, To*mhtp
<br />33 Anuth, R*nro 3,3 asst; Lso,
<br />T1,A North 40 fent -)r ter* momjth 71 foot Of the
<br />51,11.100441. %er -)f t' o ',,,,hAho&st q',,mrtor or
<br />Sectton 2, Tvwn4hlp 3) t'-K'th' Rcrvae 'JY.&St,
<br />e se he
<br />t tL"t 40 toot ar said quarter
<br />#*Ctlon; AIM,
<br />An ea xomont and rf,,?;t ,f way for a 4,rajrxgv canal end
<br />ditch provided aafd e or dltGa, x!iaii not oxceed
<br />15 feet in width n,,qr a da "Ah 4f t4 feet over, on and
<br />Adr0ma 04 Collow*-,q, Joxcrt.b**d ,irq ort y, attmat*4 1,n
<br />Vero Mach, tMitan Al ger Co-unty, Aorts%, to-witj
<br />r16 A"rth 1': r**t Or thA Viouthwent quarter of
<br />the lortfmust quarter of Bootion 11, Tmmshlp
<br />33 Sont"I. hanro 3) East.
<br />