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RSSaI,UT I0N <br />i WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is charged by <br />law with the administration of the public welfare funds of said <br />County; and, <br />WHEREAS, this Board has made note of tho increased <br />!demands upon said funds caused in large part by the abandonment <br />by a husband and father of his wife and children; and, <br />WHEREAS, Chapter 27996, Taws of Florida, Acts of 1953, <br />authorizes and prescribes the method for civil proceedings to <br />compel the support of dependent wives and children within and <br />without the State of Florida; and, <br />WIiEREAS, said Act makes it the duty of. the State's <br />Attorney in each judicial circuit of the State of Florida to en- <br />force the provisions of said Act and to represent the Petitioner <br />in all proceedings instituted thereunder unless the Petitioner <br />shall engage a private attorney; and, <br />WHEREAS, it is the considered judgment and opinion of <br />this Board that full. and effective use of the provisions of said <br />Act must be made in order to compel those having legal responsi- <br />bility for the maintenance of their dependents to perform such <br />duty when financially able to do so; Now, therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, Florida, as follows: <br />1. That this Board does herewith request the Sheriff, <br />the County Judge, the County Prosecuting Attorney, the County <br />Welfare Representatives and Representatives of the State Welfare <br />Board to advise 9-11 parties seeking financial aid and assistance <br />from Indian River County of the provisions of the above Act. <br />2. That this Board does herewith adopt as its policy <br />the rule that all parties Booking financial assistance for depen- <br />dents of a person fi able to support such dependents <br />but who has failed or refused to do so shall be required to in- <br />stitute civil or criminal. proceedings or both against any rather <br />