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or mother who has abandoned his or her minor child and to prose- <br />cute such proceedings to final oonaluolon. <br />3. That financial aid and assistance will be discon- <br />tinued in each instance where such policy is not fully complied <br />with. <br />Il., That in instances where said dependents are deati- <br />tute and a charge upon the County and such dependents do not have <br />the funds necessary to pay the actual Court costs of such pro- <br />( coedings, that the County will consider the application of such <br />person for financial assistance of the County in the paying of <br />such costs. That such requests should be accompanied by a letter <br />from the State Attorney or his assistant that such person has made <br />all preparation for the institution of such proceedings except <br />Ionly the payment of costs, stating the amount thereof. <br />! r. That the Honorable Murray Overstreet, State Attorney <br />of this circuit, and his assistant, the Honorable Thad Carlton, <br />are herewith respectfully requested to institute such proceedings <br />�i when authorized by law and to vigorously prosecute the same to <br />conclusion. <br />6. That a certified copy of this Resolution be furnished <br />to all parties affected hereby. <br />UIT[NIu SUITM A MITCMILL. ATTORIRYS AT LAW, VIRO DIAcyl. ILrk$.' N <br />