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Mr. Himanshu Mehta, P.E. <br />5 November 2021 <br />Page 3 <br />Geosyntec° <br />consultants <br />will work with our subcontractor Brown & Phillips, Inc. to complete a tree survey for the proposed <br />shifted Phase I area. <br />After further discussion with IRC SWDD, the currently proposed plan for irrigation of the newly <br />landscaped areas (area receiving sod) will require a new irrigation system and a new water supply well <br />to be utilized as the source of irrigation water. Accordingly, this task includes the costs for the design of <br />the irrigation system, as well as for the design of the supply well (assumed to be less than 6 -inches in <br />diameter), plus costs for the water -use and well construction permits associated with this well. It is <br />assumed that water -use and well construction permits will be obtained from the Florida Department of <br />Health in IRC (DOH -Indian River), which has been delegated local jurisdiction through an agreement <br />with St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD), to have supervision of all water wells less <br />than 6 -inches in diameter located in IRC. Time has also been included in this proposal for interaction <br />with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to obtain their concurrence for <br />operation of the irrigation well. Groundwater modeling is assumed to not be required for well <br />construction approval. No additional costs for further permitting, or installation of the well and irrigation <br />system equipment have been included with this proposal. <br />Task 3 — Administrative Approval Application Submittal <br />Under this task, Geosyntec will assist IRC in the submittal of an Administrative Approval application. <br />Geosyntec will prepare a Site Plan figure and a response to the Community Development Department <br />comments dated 27 August 2019 to accompany the Administrative Approval application. Technical <br />specification sheets, landscape design plan, and an updated tree survey will also be provided with the <br />application. It is assumed that revisions to the Administrative Approval application will not be needed <br />following initial submittal. It is also assumed that IRC SWDD will provide hard copy plan sets, if <br />required, for final professional seal and approval. <br />Task 4 — Finalize Bid Specification Package <br />Under this task, Geosyntec will finalize the bid specification package according to comments received <br />by the IRC Community Development Department. The final bid specification package will include a <br />unit price bid form and technical specifications for clearing, fencing, landscaping, Floridan aquifer well <br />installation, irrigation system installation, and gravel parking. The landscape design plan and tree survey <br />will also be provided to bidding contractors. <br />The specifications will incorporate health and safety requirements, as well as contractual and insurance <br />requirements. The bid solicitation language will include contact information, deadlines, proposal content <br />requirements, and evaluation criteria. Geosyntec will provide proposal requirements and a specific <br />format for the contractors to follow to aid in the receipt of consistent contractor proposals. The bid <br />schedule will be structured in a manner to help optimize pricing from the potential contractors and <br />minimize their issuance of change orders. Geosyntec will prepare one draft of the bid specification <br />XR21046.docx <br />engineers I scientists I innovators <br />