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j <br />a consumer make a test of the accuracy of any meter: prior, however. !0 nnv <br />teat ting rDade by the Company. the party requestivitt such test shall <br />with the COT-ripany the sum of Rive 11ollars ($5, CO. Such sum "'loll r,. -- <br />turned It the teat show* (tie meter to tw Inaccurate in its (jeltvvry of mora <br />than 3);. Whenever it to necessary to shut off or interrupt services for the <br />purpose of makinst rorAtrs or Installations, Old COMPAnY 44h8II do 80 at <br />time <br />oil will csu#u the least amount of inconvenience to tts conju ter. <br />tesn Ruch rcpalrs are unforeseen AM itrimedtatoly ne"Ces4st-Y', if. !)hall <br />reason -Able notice thereof of Im consumers. <br />S F C -T' I ON 9 <br />a,'lite (ornt,*ny shall have th <br />0 authority to promukAto such r <br />replattons. terms orki ct,rwiltions ctwerin; the conduct of Its bultne'sq <br />shall be resso"Ahte rwecea',ArY to enable the C-,)mP*AY to a"A"ciat (!',4 1" <br />11 and ptrforto its obIl zallons 'JI-Aier this franchise, and to t atie an imtnter,-*,---' <br />pervire to arch and 411 of its coaqumar*; provided, howavtr, that %UCh i, <br />re,;uIatt,,>n*, tenni and conditions shall not be in conflict with the ;'tov I <br />hereof or with the lowo of the State of Florida sod all of the sanI. shall <br />subject to the approval of the Board, <br />b, At all time* herein where discretionary rowoir is left with th- <br />�Io4rd or County Commissioner#, the Company, Worn discretionary sc-tl:-i <br />1-i tak(�n by the Board of County COMMIG410"Otf, can request said Board !Wir <br />a group of arbitrators be appointed and such group shall con4tw ot <br />1. County 'F.ngineer <br />2. Company HwAlneer <br />j 3, one person selected by the two above two persona and this <br />19oard of Arbitrators shall make recommendarlon4 to the Board of County <br />Con-imistiloners Nit such relCuMMOrKlarturts And "Ot mandatory. <br />Any final decloton the arbitrators or Board may have, with re,4r.4,-c-, <br />i to this frartchtne cart ha appealed to the Circuit Court of Indlun River County <br />by either Varxy. <br />SLICTION in <br />All pipes, inaltis, hydrants, valves atxl other fixtures told or <br />placed by the Company shall be so located in the public places in the County <br />MITC44 a ' <br />111. AMMM" AY LAW, VMO 01ACH, fLOMM <br />7 1966 no eau <br />