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ORDER NO. PSC-2021-0442-FOF-EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20210001 -EI <br />PAGE 3 <br />TECO. With regard to Duke Energy Florida, LLC (DEF), all issues, with the exception of Issues <br />1C and 1D have also been resolved by the stipulations listed on Attachment A to this Order. <br />Issues 1 C and 1 D state as follows: "Has DEF made appropriate adjustments, if any are needed, to <br />account for replacement power costs associated with the January 2021 to April 2021 Crystal <br />River Unit No. 4 outage? If appropriate adjustments are needed and have not been made, what <br />adjustments should be performed?" and "Should the Commission allow the $246.8 million <br />estimated 2021 true -up to be recovered over 2022 and 2023?" Immediately prior to the <br />commencement of the final hearing in this docket, we approved DEF's Rate Mitigation Plan <br />which allowed the $246.8 million estimated 2021 true -up to be recovered over 2022 and 2023.' <br />All parties agreed that our action in Docket No. 20210158 -EI approved the requested recovery <br />plan and acted as a Type 2 stipulation of "yes" to Issue 1D. We find that this is appropriate and <br />approve this stipulation with regard to Issue 11). With this vote, all DEF issues with the <br />exception of Issue 1C have been resolved. <br />With regard to the remaining issue, Issue 1C, referred to as the CR4 outage, DEF <br />presented the testimony of Joseph Simpson, who was cross-examined by the parties. The parties <br />did not waive the filing of briefs on Issue 1C and briefs will be due on November 15, 2021, for <br />our consideration at the December 7, 2021 Agenda Conference. An order reflecting our decision <br />on DEF's Issue 1 C will be issued separately. <br />Per stipulation of the parties, the new factors approved herein shall be effective beginning <br />with the first billing cycle for January 2022 through the last billing cycle for December 2022. <br />The first billing cycle may start before January 1, 2022, and the last cycle may be read after <br />December 31, 2022, so that each customer is billed for twelve months regardless of when the <br />recovery factors became effective. The new factors shall continue in effect until modified by this <br />Commission. <br />We hereby approve revised tariffs for FPL/Gulf, FPUC, and TECO reflecting the fuel <br />adjustment factors and capacity cost recovery factors determined to be appropriate in this <br />proceeding. We direct staff to verify that the revised tariffs are consistent with our decision. <br />Based on the foregoing, it is <br />ORDERED by the Florida Public Service Commission that the findings set forth in the <br />body of this Order, and Attachment A hereto, are hereby approved. It is further <br />ORDERED that Florida Power & Light Company/Gulf Power Company, Florida Public <br />Utilities Company, and Tampa Electric Company are hereby authorized to apply the fuel cost <br />recovery factors set forth herein during the period January 2022 through December 2022. It is <br />further <br />ORDERED that the estimated true -up amounts contained in the fuel cost recovery factors <br />approved herein are hereby authorized subject to final true -up and further subject to proof of the <br />reasonableness and prudence of the expenditures upon which the amounts are based. It is further <br />' Order No. PSC-2021-0425-FOF-EI, issued November 16, 2021, in Docket No. 20210158 -EI, In re: Limited <br />proceeding to consider Duke Energy Florida, LLC's unopposed motion to approve rate mitigation agreement. <br />