9. Undisclosed or unpermitted activities or hours sha; l ie -rause fai this License Agreement to be
<br />voidable by the County at any time during the Lic(.n,;-; Duration. LnOisciosed and unpermitted
<br />activities shall be subject to cancellation of the Evert, and Applicant shall be subject to damages,
<br />penalties and other legal and equitable remedies irclucina, but net lin teed to full payment under
<br />this License Agreement.
<br />10. Applicant shall not assign this License Agreement or my rights h-r. -un ier or sublet the Premises
<br />without the express prior written consent of th, Amstant t'ouaty ^,dministrator or his/her
<br />designee.
<br />11. In the event that the Premises or any other portion )''the --air;arounc s as e: not vacated and cleaned
<br />by Applicant at the end of the License Duration. the County is heieh" au:h )rized to remove from
<br />the Premises or any other portion of the Fairgrou id.;. ai the expense! o f A ppl+cant, all goods, wares,
<br />merchandise and property of any and all kinds ar c dosc riptions p ace J or permitted therein by
<br />Applicant and which may be then occupying the sane, and Cohn y sialI not be liable for any
<br />damage or loss to such goods, wares, merchandise or ogle • prope -t.i -nhi.,F may be sustained either
<br />by reason of such removal or of the place to which it may he removed. ell1plicant hereby expressly
<br />releases County from any and all such claims for dar. ial: es of N ht iso _ ej kind or nature and agrees
<br />to defend, indemnify and hold County harmless at Applicant s c1cp,nse as to any claims for
<br />damages by third parties having interests in suO-r goods, w,-:rt;s, =n2rchanclise and property,
<br />including costs and attorney's fees.
<br />12. Applicant shall: (i) use and occupy the Prer1ise3 in a saf: and careful inarui_r, including but not
<br />limited to properly covering any and all pourer cordi; (ii) comply W ih all _eleral, state and local
<br />laws, statutes, rules, regulations and ordinance;; ;ii ; use the 11rernses solely for the purposes
<br />provided above; (iv) not permit the Premises, or my part therccf, to 6, as:d for any unlawful
<br />purpose or in any manner that may result in or eau-;(., harri andic,r clarnage io persons or property;
<br />(v) not post or exhibit or allow to be posted or e).hihited signs, ..rrverti.;-.-m,_-nts, show -bills,
<br />lithographs, posters or cards of any description insid o. in front of, or oa .any part of the Premises,
<br />except with the prior written consent of County, which c or,serr_ sha I ',Clt IC' t n!,.-a>onably withheld,
<br />conditioned, or delayed; and (vi) deliver to the Coon,.y tie Prern;se; in as good a condition and
<br />repair, including all necessary trash or waste remov ol, as ,:he same s call be found at the beginning
<br />of the License Duration. Additionally, Applicant:
<br />(a) assumes all costs arising from the use of pak n .od. tradera;.rl,(td or copyrighted materials,
<br />equipment, devices, processes, or dramatic rigits used on or i •poraled in the conduct of
<br />the Event. Applicant shall defend, indernn ly and held Coint., hsrHess at Applicant's
<br />expense from all suits, actions, proceedings, dariages, costs ar:lexpenses in law or equity,
<br />including attorney's fees, for or on account of any patentecl. , ra.b,marked or copyrighted
<br />materials, equipment, devices, processes or crariatic rights cr used by Applicant
<br />or its employees, invitees, licensees, contractors, assignees, 1,e -formers. contestants and
<br />exhibitors, in connection herewith.
<br />(b) shall not alter landscaping, fencing or any permanent strucl:ur;, ncrt -hal' there be any
<br />obstruction to ingress and egress to and from th,� Premises wit'iou1he express written
<br />consent by the County.
<br />Fairgrounds License Agreement Page S of 12
<br />Initials MS
<br />Date 04/"13.!,?Oi'.2
<br />