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03/15/2022 Item 5.E. <br />What are some of the main threats to the health of the Lagoon? <br />➢ Climate change may come about through natural or man -mad causes. Impacts from <br />climate change on the Lagoon may affect the ecology, hydrodynamics, circulation <br />patterns, depth and salinity of this diverse ecosystem, including specific issues such as: <br />❖ Loss of Mangroves: mangroves stabil ze shorelines and also provide habitat and <br />nursery area recreationally important finfish and invertebrates. These wetlands have <br />adapted to maintain their position alcng the fringes of the Lagoon by accreting <br />(adding) sediment at a relatively slow pace. Accelerated sea level rise could pose <br />threat to these communities by outpacing their ability to accumulate sediments, <br />resulting in conversion to open water areas. <br />❖ Seagrass beds are critical to the health and water quality of the Lagoon. They <br />provide sediment stabilization, oxygenate the water column, and habitat for a wide <br />array of species. Deeper waters associated with accelerated sea level rise could <br />reduce sunlight levels and affect photosynthesis, which leads to decreases in <br />seagrass acreage. <br />What are some of the main threats to the health of the Lagoon? <br />❖ Increased salinity in the lagoon accompanying sea level rise could negatively <br />impact the life cycles of numerous plant and animal species; these impacts <br />continue throughout the food web within the Lagoon. <br />❖Threats to biodiversity: Sea level rise and warmer water temperatures could <br />decrease the number of species that occur in the IRL; invasive and other <br />opportunistic organisms could adapt and establish themselves under stressful <br />conditions, displacing native flora and fauna. <br />❖Adjacent upland & wetland habitats and maritime hammocks would also be at risk <br />of flooding and salt water inundation. Loss of mud flats and salt marshes <br />providing habitat for a wide variety of fish, birds, reptiles, mammals and <br />invertebrates is possible. <br />