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03/15/2022 Item 5.E. <br />z <br />■ Lost Tree Island Conservation Area (LTICA) is centrally <br />located in the IRL and includes three main islands, a <br />portion of an irr aoundment, the smaller "outer <br />islands," and th3 iorthern tip of Friz island. <br />■ LTICA was acqu-red by the County in 2003 with funding <br />assistance frorr PCT <br />■ Three main isla-=cs are the focal point of the project: <br />Duck Head (60.4 Acres), Earman (68.6 Acres) & Hog's <br />Head (48.4 Acre. <br />■ Three wetland niigation projects (creating <br />wetlands/uplands) were completed on the islands <br />(-20 acres) between 2007-2011. <br />• There is an exis-irg dock and two small picnic pavilions <br />on Earman Island no other imprviernents have been <br />undertaken. <br />■ In 2019 Indian ?iter County was selected by the <br />IRLNEP to recei.e a grant for the Conceptual Design of <br />an enhancement plan for the three main islands. <br />:� _ 9 <br />