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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />or amendments thereto. Further, TENANT agrees that TENANT shall not occupy or <br />use or permit or suffer the Leased Premises or any part thereof, to be occupied or used <br />for any unlawful or illegal business or purpose, nor in such manner as to constitute a <br />nuisance of any kind, nor for any purpose or in any way in violation of any present or <br />future laws, rules, requirements, orders, ordinances, regulations of the United States of <br />America, or of the State, County, or City government, or their administrative boards or <br />agencies. <br />(b) TENANT expressly agrees for TENANT and TENANT'S successors and <br />assigns, to prevent any use of the herein described Leased Premises which would <br />interfere with or adversely affect the operations or maintenance of the Airport, or <br />otherwise constitute an Airport hazard. <br />(c) TENANT shall have the right to use the Leased Premises for any use <br />permitted in the zoning district in which the property is located, and in conformance with <br />an approved site plan or minor change of use application, as may be appropriate, <br />subject to applicable laws and ordinances. <br />(d) LANDLORD reserves unto itself, its successors and assigns, for the use <br />and benefit of the public, a right of flight for the passage of aircraft in the airspace above <br />the surface of the real property herein described, together with the right to cause in such <br />airspace such noise as may be inherent in the operation of aircraft, now known or <br />hereafter used, for navigation of or flight in the said airspace, and for the use of said <br />airspace for landing on, taking off from, or operating on the Airport. <br />(e) TENANT expressly agrees for TENANT and TENANT'S successors and <br />assigns, that temporary structures shall not be allowed on the Leased Premises without <br />the written permission of the Airport Director and the proper permitting by the City of <br />Page 14 of 38 <br />N:\Client Docs\Airport\Attachment B\2016.February.16.ATTACHMENT B.docx <br />