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S. Each application shall indicate the proposed use <br />and occupancy of all parts of the building and of that por- <br />tion of the site or lot, if any, not covered by the building <br />or structure and shall contain astatement of the square <br />foot area of the buildings or structure and the square foot <br />area of the site or lot and the actual estimated costs of <br />the complete construction of said building or structure, <br />including electrical, plumbing, etc., and shall contain such <br />other information as may be required by the County Admin- <br />istrator. <br />6. There shall be attached to the application and made <br />a part thereof a plot diagram showing the location of the <br />proposed buildings or structure and of every existing; building <br />or structure on the site or lot. "l`ite, plot plan shall be to <br />scale and of such size as the County Administrator shall <br />require and all adjoining; streets, alleys, easements or <br />public ways and shall show the distance frond the outer limits <br />of said building to the outer limits of said lot or building site. <br />7. Each application tnnci tilt plat: plan and other iter ns <br />attached thereto shall be subtnirted in duplicate. <br />8, At tine tiaanc of submitting said application, the appli- <br />cant shall pay to Indian River County, Florida, the following <br />fees, which are hereby charged foto issuing such certificates <br />of zoning approval rc,(luired under the ,coning regulations of <br />Indian River County, Vtorida, which said fees tare as follows: <br />(a) For tine first ,$1., Wo. M or frAaction thereof of <br />estimated cost, tite suln of $3.50. <br />(b) For any additional u stinaated cost in cxctss of <br />1,f 00, tit} thc° stuaa of $1.50. <br />(c) "I,Ilc maxitiiunt totting fee for any single structure <br />tshall not exceed ` 5. M. <br />(d) All organizations shall pay pernit foes, such as <br />t:fptz ciw: , county schools, charitable organizations, etc. <br />(c>) 'T'here shall be as zoning; certificate required, but <br />no zoning fee charged to replace build'uni q or str'ucture's <br />destroyed by fire., or any other casualty, provided their <br />t,ec ntstruction is limited to the same original dimensions. <br />Such fees when received by the County Administrator <br />shall be by hint paid over and delivered to the; Clerk of this <br />Board, who shall deposit the sante: in the General Fund of <br />this County. <br />9. All costs and expenses of issuing said certificates <br />of zoning approval shall be charged to the General Fund of <br />this County. <br />10, if the County Administrator is satisfied that the <br />word: described in an application and the plot plan filed there— <br />with <br />herewith conform to the requirements of Clic zoning resolution, <br />he shall certify that the same coinnplies with all applicable <br />regulations established by the county zoning; regulation for <br />2 <br />