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RESOLUTION NO. 72-45 <br />®'M The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River <br />County, Florida, resolve: <br />• ' 1. That a petition has been filed with this Board <br />requesting this board to renounce and disclaim any right <br />of the county and the public in and to all lands or <br />interest acquired for street, road or highway purposes in <br />that area described hereafter: <br />All of the right of way on 118th Avenue <br />ALSO, that part of the right of way of 21st Street <br />lying West of the West right of way line of 117th <br />Avenue, <br />ALSO, all of the public utility and drainage <br />easement as shown in Blocks A and D <br />All the above property being situated wholly within <br />and dedicated as a part of Paradise Park Subdivision, <br />Unit 4, as recorded in Plat Book 6, page 54, <br />Docket No. 115409, on July 6,1960, in the Public <br />Records of Indian River County, Florida. <br />The board has determined that none of these streets above <br />described now constitute or were acquired for a state or <br />federal highway and none are located within the limits <br />of any incorporated municipality and the board has declared <br />that a public hearing would be held to consider the advisa- <br />bility of granting the request and that a public hearing <br />would be held before this board in the County Commissioners <br />Room in Indian River County Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, <br />at 10:00 A.M. on June 7, 1972, at which time, persons inter- <br />ested may appear and be heard. <br />2. This board did publish notice of such public hearing <br />one time on the 14th day of May, 1972, in the Vero Beach <br />Press Journal, a newspaper of general circulation in said <br />county, said publication being at least two weeks prior to <br />the date stated for the public hearing as will more fully-- - -- -- <br />appear by Proof of Publication thereof filed in the minutes <br />