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DISCUSSION OF COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR"S SALARY <br />The Board reviewed the following information: <br />Suggested terms for BCC consideration of County Administrator pay <br />If automatic <br />1. The County Administrator's salary shall be adjusted by the <br />general increase percentage given by the Board of County <br />Commissioners to department heads and non-union represented <br />employees, and on the same effective date. <br />If not automatic <br />2. The County Administrator's salary shall be subject to the Pay <br />Progression System in the Administrative Policy, with each <br />wage change submitted for Board of County Commissioners <br />consideration. <br />3. In September of each year the Board of County Commissioners <br />shall evaluate the performance of the County Administrator and <br />consider an annual pay increase which, if approved, becomes <br />effective on the first pay -period of the new fiscal year. <br />N TE• <br />1. Provides the same as currently in place for the County <br />Attorney. Eligible for a general wage increase only. <br />2. Provides for a general wage increase plus a pay progression <br />increase. <br />3. Only commits the Board of County Commissioners to evaluate the <br />performance of the County Administrator and consider an <br />increase. Agrees with the initial contract when the County <br />Administrator was hired. <br />Chairman Macht noted that this matter was brought to his <br />attention by the Personnel Director who said that it had slipped <br />by. Chairman Macht felt the fact that we do not do any type of <br />evaluation is unfair to the County Administrator, the County <br />Attorney, and the taxpayers. <br />Commissioner Eggert recalled that up until the year <br />Administrator Chandler suggested that he take the same pay increase <br />received by the rest of the County employees, we did review his <br />performance each year. She felt we should continue to do so. <br />Personnel Director Jack Price advised that there is a need to <br />deal with the salary for the coming year. <br />Commissioner Adams pointed out that we also have a contract <br />with the County Attorney, but Attorney Vitunac interjected that it <br />doesn't include an evaluation. <br />After further discussion, CONSENSUS was reached for formal <br />evaluation of the County Administrator by the Chairman with salary <br />November 14, 1995 25 BOOK 96 pa F 601 <br />