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ATRUE COPY ATRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />Page 9 <br />2.2.5 Indicators of Solid Waste Disposal <br />There were no indicators of any solid waste disposal on the property. <br />2.2.6 Physical Setting Analysis <br />A preliminary review of available physical setting source information was performed that consisted of <br />physiographic, subsurface geologic, regional groundwater information, local well field protection, and local <br />wetland maps of the subject area, where applicable and reasonably ascertainable. The regional <br />groundwater flow is to the east and southeast. However, local surface water bodies (ditches, canals, and <br />ponds) in the vicinity of the subject sites could affect local groundwater flow direction in the upper portion <br />of the aquifer. The specific groundwater flow beneath the subject site is normally verified by intrusive field <br />methods. Information provided in the EDR Summary Report indicates that groundwater gradients are <br />generally from the northwest to the southeast. <br />2.2.7 Other Conditions of Concern <br />No other conditions of concern were identified. <br />2.2.8 Site Plan <br />A site plan for development or modification of the property was not provided to the Consultant. <br />2.3 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS <br />The Consultant performed an Environmental Site Assessment Phase I in general conformance with the <br />scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E1527 -05E on the subject property in Vero Beach, Indian River <br />County, Florida. Any limitations, exceptions, or deletions from this practice are described in Section 1.1.3 <br />and 1.1.4 of this report. This assessment found no evidence of Recognized Environmental Conditions <br />(RECs) at the subject parcels: <br />Review of the EDR/FirstSearch database, and FDEP records <br />information revealed 10 listed or observed contamination <br />sites listed sites upgradient and within the critical focus area <br />of % to '/2 -mile from the subject property. Above Ground <br />Fuel Storage Tanks (ASTs) are located north and east of the <br />subject property. All records indicate that these tanks are <br />being properly maintained to remediate past and future <br />releases into the ground and groundwaters. <br />• There was no confirmed evidence of friable asbestos <br />containing materials (ACMs) in the area. ACMs are not <br />presently indicated as Recognized Environmental Concerns <br />(REC) as potential conditions. <br />