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A TRUE COPY <br />A TRUE COPY CcIRTT1;ATION ON LAST PAGE <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />Page 8 <br />2.1.2 Physical Setting Sources <br />Physical setting sources reviewed during the course of this assessment include the USGS Quad map, the <br />NRCS Soil Survey map, information and maps supplied within the EDR/FirstSearch Technologies Report, <br />USEPA Envirofacts database files, and Indian River County current -aerials and historic aerial <br />photographs. <br />2.1.3 Historical Use Information <br />Available historic aerial photographs of Section 32, Township 39 South, Range 26 East, dated 1943, <br />1951, 1970, 1981, 1994, 1999, and 2019 were reviewed. Development of airport—related and small <br />industrial parcels started around 1960 and continued slowly through the 1970s and 1990s. Please note <br />that historical aerial photography review was limited to available photographs with variable coverage and <br />quality. <br />In 1942 the United States acquired this site for use as a Naval Air <br />Station and Training Facility. The site was developed and known as the <br />U.S. Naval Air Station. Vero Beach. The Navy constructed a complete <br />air training facility at the site consisting of approximately 155 <br />buildings and structures along with other miscellaneous improvements <br />such as runways. taxiways, roads, utility systems. etc_ 1"he site <br />remained active until 1945 when its functions were not longer required <br />or relocated alsevvhero in the U.S.In October of 1947, the Navy <br />disposed of the property to the City of Vero Beach. Florida. Most of <br />thea site is currently o An-v&d by the city and used as an airport and <br />light industrial park. Portions have been sold to a private aircraft <br />company. which maintains an aircraft manufacturing plant and to a <br />2.2 INFORMATION FROM SITE RECONNAISSANCE AND INTERVIEWS <br />2.2.1 & 2.2.2 Hazardous Substance Containers and Unidentified Substance Containers <br />No hazardous substance containers were found inside or adjacent to the subject parcel. Maintenance in <br />and around the subject site appeared to be good, with no obvious signs of errant roadside dumping or <br />trash disposal. It is unlikely that any reportable quantities of hazardous substances or toxic materials <br />were stored or used around the subject parcel. <br />2.2.3 Storage Tanks <br />The subject parcel had three above ground fuel (LP) storage tanks. <br />2.2.4 Indicators of PCBs <br />Pole mounted electrical transformers were noted in conjunction with overhead power utilities to the <br />northwest of the property. Vero Beach Municipal Power Plant has discontinued the use of PCB -containing <br />transformers and capacitors. Vero Beach Municipal Power Plant is responsible for cleanup in accordance <br />with local, state, and federal regulations. No staining was observed beneath the transformers closest to <br />the subject parcel. <br />