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City of Vero Beach
On Airport Lease with Emergency Services District “Fire Station 3” at
Vero Beach Regional Airport to provide ARFF services
required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
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\Official Documents\2020's\2022
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6. Tf"tUE COPY A TRUE COPY <br />'r:F ICAT ION ON LAST PAGE CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />`�."ITH, CLERK J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />Page 7 <br />One of the sites, Piper Aircraft Corp. was listed as a National Priorities List (NPL), RCRA-LQG (Large <br />Quantity Generator) situated east of the subject site. One site (Piper Aircraft Corp.) was listed as a <br />CERCLIS site located east-southeast of the subject site. The NPUCERCLIS site was reported as the <br />Piper Aircraft Corporation (a Superfund Enforcement) facility. There were 2 Leaking Underground <br />Storage Tanks (LUSTS) and 2 were listed as Registered Above Ground Storage Tanks (ASTs) facilities. <br />Detailed data on each of these sites are included in the EDR/First Search Technologies report in <br />Appendix III. <br />Each of the included sites are listed as either NREQ (Cleanup not required), facility Closed (Vero Beach <br />Municipal Airport)(UST), Open, In -Service, or in the process of hazardous, toxic waste management <br />remediation (Vero Beach Airport Services) (LUST), (Flight Safety International, Inc)(LUST), (Pro-Flite of <br />Vero, Inc.)(LUST), and (Former Vero Beach NAS Site)(LUST) Because of the down -gradient locations <br />(SE migration) of these facilities, none of the sites are likely to have any effect on the condition of the <br />subject parcel. For the purpose of this assessment, the above database research information is <br />referenced in a separately bound EDR/Environmental FirstSearch Report to be supplemented to <br />Appendix III. <br />Additional information gathered from the USEPA's Envirofacts database references for the Paris Aviation <br />AST data showing no spills or discharges, and the City of Vero Beach Water Treatment Plant located at <br />2515 Airport North Drive with Handler ID#FLR000140087 as a Federal LOG facility that engages in waste <br />generation and waste shipping. Envirofacts database information is included in Appendix III. <br />It appears that groundwater migration moves from the northwest to the east-southeast in the area of the <br />subject parcel. The likelihood of the subject site receiving any current or relic contamination from the old <br />airfield operations, or the current airport operations would be very remote. <br />FIRM Flood Prone Rate Map shows the subject site lying north of the defined flood prone area along the <br />stormwater drainage canal to the south of the airport (see Appendix V). The subject site is not physically <br />within the Flood Prone Area. <br />The subject site is presently served by underground municipal potable water and sewer utilities. <br />Overhead electric power and telephone services lines are provided throughout the area. All additional <br />information regarding potential contamination involvement on the subject properties, or any of the <br />facilities of concern within the study area was gathered from the FDEP and/or other USEPA databases or <br />interviews and is included in the following sections. <br />Other Sites <br />Treasure Coast Air Services at 2640 Airport North Drive had a 5,000 -gallon Registered AST (now <br />removed) was previously located 1.45+/- miles northeast of the subject parcel. The New Hanger at the <br />southwest end of Airport North Drive loop has a Registered 10,000 -gallon AST located 1.38 miles+/ - <br />northeast of the subject parcel. The ASTs at Flight Safety International are located upgradient at a <br />distance of 0.68 miles+/- northeast, and the Paris Air ASTs and the ASTs servicing the Vero Beach <br />Engineering Facility are located essentially downgradient at 0.38 miles+/- north of the subject parcel, <br />respectively. Continental Jet Aviation's AST is 0.17 miles+/- north northeast of the subject site. The Vero <br />Beach Public Works and Engineering fueling ASTs are located 0.33 miles+/- north of the subject site (see <br />Photographs). No other non -listed sites of concern were reported or observed within the immediate <br />project area. <br />
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