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A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGEA TRUE COPY" <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK CER, iFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />J.R. SMITH, CLERK <br />APPENDIX III <br />EDR/FIRSTSEARCH TECHNOLOGIES REPORT (insert Attached pdf copy) <br />NPL Site Narrative for Piper Aircraft Corp./ <br />Vero Beach Water & Sewer Department <br />PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPJVERO BEACH WATER 3 SEWER <br />DEPARTMENT <br />Vero Beach, Florida <br />Conditions st proposal {June 10, IM) The Peer Arcs$ CorpJVwo Beach Ytfatw & Sewer <br />Department Ste covers D acres in Vero beach, kxban Rw County, Florida. Piper assembles and pau+ls <br />tpht aircraft at the souCrm end or the Vero Beach IAunkcpet Airport In 1000. an w1ww m amouna df <br />Ind ioettrylens to*iid from an bndergroww i targe teen and dobt itkon system cortarraintYnp a <br />nearby murxapal well of to Vero Basch Water b Sewn Daparttrertl wth vogCM orpenic compounds <br />(VOCs) The wall, which was ripseqivNhtly shut down, was part of a municipal syslsri aervkp about <br />33 000 people Sot months later bhe bay developed Iva other wva to, ;:11 a ce i he tioeed ons <br />in Ig8I the State entered rqo a Consent AgmerTierd with Piper requiring @►e rzrrparty to condup a <br />montorsng We" and treaunern program b the spa Piper repaired the teAdrg fforapa bink and In Aprtt <br />1981 began to pump out the conlarrrtated ground water To data the purrhptrq has yielded aWomT%A*y <br />2 050 gallon of VOCs, inrtutlmg tricttoroeprylens cm- aria trans-1.2-00torocthyieru, vinyl Chloride. and <br />I 1-tLworoeorrWrie The contanwwted water is sprayed into &* a"r to elitism removal of VOCs and is <br />ttracharged into lois Main Cana( lsadwV to the Indian Rarer <br />Status (February 21, 1990) The coy n confm wV to subrro gkAblarfy rep" on the mo irtoring of the <br />veated of bent be+ng discharged to the IndLan Rrver <br />A=rON to the Flonoa Department of Enwonmenx,W Regulation Pipers gro" water purriptng and <br />treatment program has not achieved cleanup goals The program will be reevatusled 6W ad~sl <br />tea*clial ,nvest"Iron acvvit es vM be uroertaken <br />f or more intormebon about the hazwdo,.n substances oenvfieo r rnn narrative summary. uhduAng <br />genera] mformabon regardrp the effects of axpoawe to these svibManccs on human health please see <br />the Agency for ToxK substances and Disease Regatry tATSOR) ToxFAas ATSOR ToO:AQs can be <br />found on Ills !Memel at ATSDR - ToxFAos (hep 0*" stem cdc goWioudeps jnftx aso) or by teiephone <br />at 1-88842-ATSDR or 1-88"22-8737 <br />Large Quantity Generator <br />Handler: generates 1,000 kg or more of hazardous waste during any <br />calendar month. or generates more than 1 kg of acutely hazardous waste <br />during any calendar month, or generates more than 100 kg of any <br />residue or contaminated soil, waste or other debris resufting from the <br />deanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of ac,tety hazardous <br />waste during any calendar month; or generates 1 kg or less of acutely <br />hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than 1 <br />kg of acutely hazardous waste at any time; or generates 100 kg or less <br />of any residue or contaminated sal, waste or other debris resulting <br />from the cleanup of a spill. into or on any land or water, of acutely <br />hazardous waste during any calendar month, and accumulates more than <br />100 kg of that material at any time <br />