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A TRUE COPY <br />C^TiFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />l.R. SMI T H, CLERK <br />A .' uE COPY <br />QFRTILICAT ION ON LAST PAGE <br />j 0. WITH. CLERK <br />EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />FURS: The Lb" Inckx*s locatlons of Fom»rIy Used Defense Styes Properties where the US Army <br />Corps Of Engirmn N actively wo4dng or will take necessary dewx* actions. <br />A review of ft RM Ret, as provided by EDR, end dated OWW21 hes revealed that them is 1 FUDS <br />Nte within epprmdrtrto y 1 "a o1 the target property. <br />Lower Elevation Address Direction I Distance Map ID Page <br />VERO BEACH NAVAL AIR ENE 1/2- t fO.957 rN.) 10 154 <br />ROD: Record of Dedslon. ROD documents mandate a permanent remedy at an NPL (Superfund) alto <br />containing WdmW and health Information to aid Cie deorxrp. <br />A review of Cls ROD Not, me provided by EDR and dated 07rdW=1 has revealed that them is 1 ROD <br />sita MUM approximately 1 mle of the target property. <br />EquaW4 w Elevation Address Dinetion f Distance Map ID Pape <br />PiPl7t AMMPT CORP. POWOR i AYL47YON E to .1(0 -of nL) 0 <br />EPA On FLDOD4054264 <br />OWM CONTAM: A ft" of &dN* or known *rose. The Iatlnp Inside" sites that need cleanup but are <br />not wb* bsfnp working on because the spency curtenCy+ doss riot have kr4tig fprlmerfly petrateurn and <br />dry)- <br />A review of the DWM CONTAM Rat, as provided by EDR, and dated 11113/2020 has revealed that there are <br />2 DWM CONTAM sites wlfhhi approximeety 0.5 moa of C1e target property. <br />EquWHiptisr Elevation Address Dl»cWn 1 Distort" Map ID Page <br />DWORRrOwN eW LOUR 43RD AY&WE SSE 114. IM IV -426 W.) 7 150 <br />Program take ki ERIC_11024 <br />"M MACK CRY Df tA'✓BSTAIRPORT AREA N 1/4-1,7 (O.44Y Ml.) s 152 <br />Pmgmn aha Id: ERIC_11022 <br />RESP PARTY: Open. h octN* and cloead respor*Wo party ekes <br />A review of" RESP PARTY list, as provided by EDR, and dated 08/2112021 has revealed that there are <br />2 RESP PARTY ekes wrohin approxdma" 0.5 rrA*s of the target property. <br />EquWHlghor Etevatlon Address Direction / Distance Map ID Page <br />DODOERTOWN GOO COUR 43RD AVENNE SSE 114-112 (0.435 PW.) 7 150 <br />tiro. titalw: CLOSED <br />VE RO WA CK CRY OF W"T AIRPORT AREA N t/4. 1/7 (0. "s mi.) a 152 <br />tilts tits4,w OPEN <br />EDR SUMMARY REPORT <br />