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�. TRUE COPY <br /><TIFICATION ON LAST PAiZ;JRUE COPY <br />PJ'iTH, CLERK CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />I R. SPr11TH. CLERK <br />Page 1 <br />1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY <br />The Consultant, Gary Exner of Advantage Consulting LLC, conducted a detailed Phase I Environmental <br />Site Assessment (ESA) on October 5, 2021 of the subject property located at 2950 Airport West Drive, <br />Vero Beach, FL 32967, serving as the ARRF (Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting) station adjacent to the <br />Vero Beah Regional Airport. The property is presently owned by the City of Vero Beach as part of the <br />Vero Beach Regional Airport properties. The property is identified as Indian River County Property <br />Appraiser Property Identification #53970, Parcel ID# 32-39-26-00011-0480-00001.1, and is estimated to <br />be approximately 2.72+/- Acres or 118,483+/- (SF) Square Feet in size. The parcel lies in Section 34, <br />Township 32S, Range 26E is currently developed, and contains a single -story building with offices, fire <br />rescue and fire fighting equipment, and storage/warehouse space. The subject parcel is an irregularly <br />shaped rectangular parcel in the southwest side of the airport -owned property (see Site Vicinity Map - <br />Appendix 1). The subject structure is 19,399 SF overall with 9,275 SF heated area, and was actually built <br />in 1985. The subject property is further described in the Indian River County Property Appraiser's record <br />cards included in Appendix II. The ESA was performed in accordance with the American Society for <br />Testing and Materials Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments (ASTM Practice E 1527- <br />05E), Sections 6-11. Non -scope considerations, as defined in the standard practice, were not addressed. <br />Based on the unknown historic use of the parcels and future excavation/development plans, additional <br />inspections, sampling, and laboratory analyses may be necessary. <br />1.1 INTRODUCTION <br />1.1.1 Purpose <br />The purpose of this Phase I ESA is to determine the likelihood of hazardous or petroleum substances <br />being present on the subject property that would result in cleanup liability on behalf of the property owner. <br />Almost all businesses use products containing hazardous or toxic materials as defined by the <br />Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) or the various <br />environmental regulatory agencies. Often, the amount of material stored, generated, or disposed does <br />not exceed reportable quantities as defined in Federal, State, or local environmental regulations. As a <br />result, this report does not address hazardous or toxic substances that currently appear to be present in <br />very small quantities below reportable levels, but over a length of time could exceed reportable quantities. <br />The purpose and objective of the standard Phase I ESA was met through a physical site investigation of <br />the subject parcel, a limited investigation of adjacent properties, interviews, and a review of Florida <br />Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and available EDR (EDR/FirstSearch Technology <br />Corporation) environmental databases. <br />1.1.2 Special Terms and Conditions <br />This Phase I report is a professional opinion of the possibility of contamination impacts to the subject <br />property resulting from direct visual observation and review of available EDR file information as compiled <br />by others. This report was performed as a standardized ESA Phase 1 which did not include sampling or <br />analyses of asbestos and/or lead based paints as a preemptive evaluation of potential risks that may be <br />associated with any planned excavations/demolition of ground surfaces on the subject sites. The <br />assessment does not include such environmental issues as naturally occurring toxic substances in the <br />subsurface soils, rocks, water and/or toxicity of on-site flora, toxicity of common household products or <br />consumables, contaminants or contaminant concentrations that are not now Recognized Environmental <br />Concerns (REC), but may be under future regulations, radon gas, or wetland issues. <br />