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7/13/2022 3:08:46 PM
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Official Documents
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City of Vero Beach
On Airport Lease with Emergency Services District “Fire Station 3” at
Vero Beach Regional Airport to provide ARFF services
required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
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TRUE COPY ='Rt'E COPY <br />-J171FICATION ON LAST PAGE CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />R. SMITH, CLERK JR S.1;11TH. CLERK <br />Page 2 <br />1.1.3 Limitations and Exceptions of Assessment <br />The focus of this Phase I ESA is to evaluate the presence of hazardous or petroleum substance <br />contamination resulting from past and current uses of the subject property and adjacent properties. The <br />assessment is limited to conditions observed on and around the existing properties during the inspection <br />survey. Areas that are not addressed as part of the ESA are as follows: <br />naturally occurring toxic substances in the subsurface soils, rocks, water, and/or toxicity of on- <br />site flora; <br />toxicity of substances common in habitable environments, such as stored household products, <br />or consumables; <br />contaminants or contaminant concentrations that are not a concern now but may be under <br />future regulations. <br />The level of environmental investigation for this ESA Phase 1 does not include intrusive testing or <br />analysis of soils or groundwater as an assessment of any recognized or suspected contamination. This <br />report does recommend further investigative action if Recognized Environmental Concerns (REC) are <br />observed and that may be prudent to evaluated further to confirm suspected contaminants found. <br />An ESA is typically valid for six months, as that is the update frequency of FDEP file data. <br />1.1.4 Limitinq Conditions and Methodology Used <br />Information and data supplied to this Consultant by others (EDR) considered in this assessment is from <br />sources nationally recognized as reliable, but no responsibility is assumed by Advantage Consulting LLC <br />for its accuracy. This ESA Phase I is limited to observations by an experienced environmental scientist <br />rendering a professional opinion of the site project area. It is also the result of the research of available <br />public record files compiled by EDR. Intrusive testing for elemental sampling of the physical components <br />of a property such as soil and groundwater is not typically performed nor analyzed at the Phase 1 ESA <br />level of inspection. However, because the age of the overall surrounding airport properties (circa 1930) <br />and the selection of the airport commissioned as a naval air station in 1942, it is possible hazardous or <br />toxic materials may have been either stored or disposed of on or near the subject parcel. Asbestos or <br />lead-based paints were used during the war years when the naval air station was active. Most of these <br />products were banned from use prior to 1987. The use of asbestos was phased out in 1989 and banned <br />entirely in December 2003. No evidence of these possible RECs was observed or indicated during the <br />field inspection. <br />The National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) regulations under the Clean Air <br />Act specify work practices for asbestos to be followed during demolitions and renovations of all <br />structures, installations, and buildings (excluding residential buildings that have four or fewer dwelling <br />units). The regulations require the owner of the building or the operator to notify the appropriate <br />state agency before any demolition, or before any renovations of buildings that could contain a <br />certain threshold amount of asbestos or asbestos -containing material. In addition, particular <br />manufacturing and fabricating operations either cannot emit visible emissions into the outside air or must <br />follow air cleaning procedures, as well as follow certain requirements when removing asbestos -containing <br />waste. <br />
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