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7/13/2022 3:08:46 PM
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6/20/2022 10:51:15 AM
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City of Vero Beach
On Airport Lease with Emergency Services District “Fire Station 3” at
Vero Beach Regional Airport to provide ARFF services
required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
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A TRUE COPY A TRUE COPY <br />CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE CERTIFICATION ON LAST PAGE <br />R. SMITH, CLERK ,;.R. Stv11TH: CLERK <br />Page 3 <br />The Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)'s Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) requires <br />that asbestos professionals (including any worker, contractor or supervisor, inspector, management <br />planner, or project designer) working with asbestos -containing building materials in a school, public or <br />commercial building be accredited under a training program at least as stringent as the EPA Model <br />Accreditation Plan (MAP). In addition, state and local agencies may have more stringent standards than <br />those required by the federal government. <br />Congress passed the Residential Lead -Based Paint (LBP) Hazard Reduction Act of 1992, also known as <br />Title X, to protect families from exposure to lead from paint, dust, and soil. Section 1018 of this law <br />directed HUD and EPA to require the disclosure of known information on lead-based paint and lead- <br />based paint hazards before the sale or lease of most housing built before 1978. The United States' <br />Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) banned lead paint in 1977 in residential properties and <br />public buildings (16 Code of Federal Regulations 1303). <br />Non-residential Structures - Waste Determination & Management <br />LBP debris that comes from commercial or industrial sources, as opposed to households, may be subject <br />to state and federal hazardous waste rules. In this case the generator must determine whether the debris <br />fails, or is likely to fail, the toxicity characteristic for lead. Two scenarios are outlined below for making the <br />waste determination and then managing the LBP debris in accordance with applicable standards: 1) <br />whole -building demolition, and 2) renovation/abatement. <br />Whole -Building Demolition <br />The US EPA has stated that solid architectural components coated with LBP are less likely to be <br />hazardous because of the small ratio of lead paint to total waste mass 1. The US Army conducted a study <br />which concluded that whole -building demolition debris is not likely to exceed the toxicity characteristic <br />standard for lead if it is handled as a single, whole waste stream and disposed of all together 2. Whole - <br />building demolition debris is therefore considered a non -hazardous waste with regard to lead. No <br />sampling/analysis of painted components for lead is required for disposal as non -hazardous waste. <br />Proposed in January of 2006 to "reduce exposure to lead hazards created by renovation, repair, and <br />painting activities that disturb lead-based paint and support the Federal Government's goal of eliminating <br />childhood lead poisoning by 2010", the current regulations took effect on April 22, 2010. <br />The rule requires that property owners, managers and contractors performing renovation, repair and <br />painting activities that will disturb lead-based paint in pre -1978 housing or a child -occupied facility must <br />be certified and follow the lead -safe work practices required by EPA's Lead, Renovation, Repair and <br />Painting Program. To become certified, there must be an "application for firm certification" and payment of <br />a fee to the EPA. An application must be approved or disapproved within 90 days after the EPA receives <br />a complete application. There is the potential of $37,500 -a -day fines for violation. <br />The site inspection was performed by walking the parcel boundary and accessible areas around and <br />outside the property. In addition, observations were made of adjacent properties looking for RECs. The <br />site reconnaissance was performed on October 5, 2021 by Gary Exner of Advantage Consulting LLC. <br />This ESA Phase I report incorporates the EDR/FirstSearch Technology Corporation's Environmental <br />FirstSearch Report to locate available regulatory agency (FDEP/USEPA) information pertaining to <br />hazardous/petroleum materials (see Appendix III). <br />
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