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.A TRUE: COPY A TRUE COPY <br />CPQ i-IFICATION ON LAST PAGE CEP T IFICAT10w ON LAST PAGE <br />R. SMITH, CLERK ' `l. S101TH. CLERK <br />Page 4 <br />The EDR/FirstSearch Report meets the government records search requirements of ASTM Standard <br />Practice for Environmental Site Assessments, E 1527-05E. The following files were searched for any <br />sites with hazardous/petroleum material records and/or violations: Comprehensive Environmental <br />Response, Compensation, and Liability Information System (CERCLIS), Toxic Site Directory; (TSD), <br />Generators (GEN), Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS), National Priority List (NPL), <br />Resource Conservation and Recovery Information System (RCRIS), Facility Index System (FINDS). <br />RCRA Administrative Action Tracking System (RAATS), Underground Storage Tanks (UST), Leaking <br />Underground Storage Tanks (LUST), Toxic Release Inventory (TRI), State Superfund Sites, Solid Waste <br />Facilities, and orphan reports for Indian River County, including Civil Enforcement Docket /Leaking Tank <br />Sites. <br />Photographs of potential contamination sources were taken on the subject property (see Appendix IV). <br />Available historic aerial photographs (1943 - 2020) were reviewed to identify any activities that may have <br />shown that contamination from hazardous or petroleum substance generation, storage, or transportation <br />may have occurred within the subject property area. <br />A cursory review of soils was conducted using the NRCS Soil Survey for Indian River County, Florida <br />(see Appendix V). The primary soil type found on the subject site is identified as EauGallie fine sand (3) <br />which covers 100% of the area of the parcel. The Vero Beach, Florida USGS Quad map can be found in <br />Appendix VI. <br />Interviews, inquiries, and database searches were compiled from the Florida Department of <br />Environmental Protection (FDEP), FDEP's OCULUS Site, and the USEPA Envirofacts, and EDR/First <br />Search Technology Corporation -Environmental Database. A resume of the consultant for this <br />investigation can be found in Appendix VII. <br />2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION <br />2.0.1 Location and Legal Description <br />According to information supplied to Advantage Consulting LLC by the Vero Beach Regional Airport staff, <br />the subject property is located adjacent and southwest of airport Runway 4 on Vero Beach Regional <br />Airport property. The subject property is presently developed and contains a single -story building with <br />office space and fire rescue and firefighting warehouse facilities. The parcel also contains two large, <br />2,000 Gallon capacity, Above Ground Fuel Storage Diesel Tank (AST) at the northeast side of the <br />property. Airport vegetation groundcover and typical landscape vegetation currently exist on the north <br />and west sides of the building around the paved parking lot area for the property (see Photographs). The <br />property area is served by Vero Beach Municipal Power electrical service, and municipal water and <br />sewer. Property Legal Descriptions, as described in the Indian River County Property Appraisers <br />information, can be found in Appendix II. <br />