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4 TRUE COPY ATRUE COPY <br />'771, IFICATION ON LAST PAGE CERT!FICJION ON LAST PAGE <br />R. SP01TH, CLERK j.R. SN'117H, CLERK <br />Page 5 <br />2.0.2 Site and Vicinity Characteristics <br />According to the USGS Topographic Map of the Vero Beach, Florida Quadrangle, included as Appendix <br />VI of this report, the relative elevation for the subject property is approximately 24 -feet NGVD. <br />Other properties surrounding the subject parcel was occupied and functioning as an Aircraft Rescue and <br />Fire Fighting airport -related building. The City of Vero Beach Fire Station 3 is located at 2950 Airport <br />West Drive, Vero Beach, Florida, with two, large Liquid Propane (LP) Above Ground Storage Tanks <br />(ASTs) at the northeast side of the site. A propane tank and an emergency back-up generator is situated <br />next to the rear of the main building, south of the fire truck bays. <br />2.0.3 Structures, Roads, Other Site Improvements <br />Site improvements in the area consist of paved parking lot areas, sidewalks, and Above -Ground Fuel <br />Storage Tanks (AST) at the northeast corner of the concrete block building, and electrical service poles. <br />Power service transformers and the ground surfaces were checked for indication of leaked electrolytes <br />that may have contained polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). No indications of leaks or spills were found at <br />the bases of the poles. Overhead power utilities were observed along the north side of the property. <br />Water and sewer utility service is available for connection to the subject site. <br />2.0.4 Environmental Liens on the Property <br />A Chain -of -Title was not provided to Advantage Consulting LLC for review. No readily available <br />information was provided to indicate that there were any environmental liens or activities and/or land <br />limitations recorded against the property. <br />2.0.5 Current Uses of the Property <br />Currently, the subject property is currently occupied by Florida Power and Light (FPL). No hazardous or <br />toxic items appeared to have been stored on the property. No problem areas were obvious during the <br />site inspection. There were no obvious conditions that indicated that reportable quantities of hazardous or <br />toxic materials had ever been generated, transported, or stored on the subject property. <br />2.0.6 Past Uses of the Property <br />According to the aerial photographs reviewed for the years 1943-2020 (see Historic Aerial Photographs), <br />other than the structures apparent in the historic aerials from the time the U.S. Naval Air Station was in <br />operation, however recent site development has occurred on the property. Many other industrial features <br />and airport lands have changed over the years in this region of the Vero Beach Regional Airport. <br />There were no pits, ponds, lagoons, or other surface water bodies situated directly on the property, <br />however a small, drainage ditch crosses from south to north just east of the site, and a triangular-shaped <br />stormwater retention pond lie to the north of the subject parcel across Airport West Drive. The drainage <br />ditch collects stormwater and drains to the south where it connects with a major drainage flowway south <br />of the airport. The airport maintenance program apparently includes periodic mowing of the healthy <br />ground cover vegetation. No evidence of any contamination was obvious anywhere on the subject <br />parcel. No evidence of dumping, land filling, or other uncontrolled activities, which could have posed <br />Recognized Environmental Concerns (RECs) with regard to the subject parcel were identified during the <br />course of the site inspection, or in the aerial photographs and database reviews. <br />