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Work Order No. 51 <br />Aviation Boulevard Extension <br />Alternative Alignment Study <br />which the significance of any archaeological sites identified during the project can be <br />evaluated. <br />CULTURAL RESOURCE ASSESSMENT SURVEY <br />The CRAS will include a pedestrian survey of the project area, subsurface testing for <br />archaeological sites within the project area and the identification and evaluation of historic <br />resources within the project area as well as adjacent parcels up to a distance of 150 feet <br />(ft.) from the edge of the project area to allow for the consideration of potential visual <br />impacts. <br />ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY <br />The archaeological survey will include surface and subsurface testing techniques. The <br />intensity of this testing will be keyed to the ranked site probability zones established during <br />the background Janus Research Page 2 research. Subsurface testing in areas of high site <br />potential will be conducted at approximately 25- meter (80 feet) intervals and in areas of <br />moderate site potential at approximately 50 -meter (160 feet) intervals. In addition, at least <br />10 percent of the low probability areas will be tested at 100- meter intervals in keeping with <br />FDHR requirements. Subsurface tests will be 0.5 meters (20 inches) in diameter and <br />excavated to a minimum depth, subsurface conditions permitting, of one meter (3.3 feet). <br />All excavated soils will be sifted through 6.4 -millimeter (0.25 -inch) metal hardware cloth <br />screen suspended from portable wooden frames. Any cultural materials recovered will be <br />stored in plastic bags with all provenience data recorded. Field notes on each test <br />performed will be recorded, and the location of all tests will be marked on aerial <br />photographs of the project area. The laboratory processing will consist of the cleaning, <br />inventorying, packaging, and temporary storage of any artifacts recovered. Artifact analysis <br />will involve the morphological and functional classification of artifacts and, if possible, the <br />identification of their temporal and cultural affiliations. <br />HISTORIC RESOURCES SURVEY <br />A historic resource survey will be conducted to evaluate and document the National <br />Register eligibility of the previously recorded resources and to identify and document <br />whether there are any unrecorded significant historic resources within the project area and <br />buffer. From the edge of the project area to allow for the consideration of potential visual <br />impacts. The estimated date of construction, distinctive features, and architectural style will <br />be noted. Digital photographs will be taken, and National Register significance will be <br />evaluated. <br />DOCUMENTATION AND REPORT PREPARATION <br />FMSF forms will be completed for each resource identified during the survey. A report <br />presenting the methods, findings, evaluations, and recommendations of the cultural <br />resource assessment will be prepared. Upon acceptance of the report, Janus Research will <br />Page 5 of 1 ] <br />