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Task 6: Existing Legal User Well Survey (Time and Materials) <br />The modeling results will identify the number of ELUs within the area of impact resulting <br />from the increased withdrawal/drawdown. This task provides for the Consultant to conduct <br />well surveys for up to 30 ELUs. It is anticipated that each impacted ELU will require <br />approximately 4 hours of labor effort (1 hour for coordination with property owners/set up <br />site visit; 2 hours for site visit; 1 hour to log findings/summary report). If more than 30 <br />ELUs are identified, an additional authorization will be required. This task will be <br />performed on a time and materials basis; therefore, if less than 30 ELUs are identified, the <br />Consultant will only incur costs associated with the reduced number of ELUs. The surveys <br />will include making initial contract with each property owner, explaining the purpose of <br />the survey, coordinating a site visit, meeting each property owner on site to discuss how <br />the well is used, a visual inspection of the well, documentation of findings and <br />incorporation into a summary report (letter report). This task will be structured to meet the <br />SJRWMD requirements for a well survey and avoidance plan in support of a CUP permit <br />application. <br />Task 7: Project Management <br />This task includes activities related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and <br />closing the project. The Consultant will perform a technical review of the deliverables, in <br />accordance with standards, prior to transmitting to the County. The Consultant will be <br />responsible for overall coordination with JLA and oversight of the project execution. The <br />task includes monthly invoicing, project financials and subcontracts. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />