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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 10 <br />FLORMA POW ER& LIGHT COMPANY <br />(Continued from Sheet No. 9,032) <br />3.2 QS, at no cost to FPL. shall be responsible to: <br />Attachment A <br />First Revised Sheet Na 9.032.1 <br />Cancels Original Sheer No. 9.032.1 <br />3.2.1 Design, construct, and maintain the Facility in accordance with this Contract, applicable law, regulatory, and <br />govviturictral approvals, any roquiratimits of warranty agreements or snuilar ogreoments, prudent in"ttypractice, <br />insurance policies, and die or VAteeling Agreeinent <br />31.2 Perform all studies, pay all fees, obtain all necessary approvals and execute all necessary agreements (inchWini; <br />the interconnection Agivarrientorthe Wheeling Agreenient(s)) in (odor toschedulcand deliver the finn capacityand <br />energy to FPL. <br />1.2.3 Obtain and maintain ad permits, Lem fications, licenses, consents or approvals of ally gmemmental or regulatory <br />autliority necessary for Ott construction, operation, and maintenance of the Facility (the -Permits). QS shall keep FPL <br />reasonably informed as to the status of its penintfirig eltorts and shall pforriptly inform FPL of airy Permits it is unable to <br />obtain, that are delayed, limited, suspended, tenninated, or otherwise constrained in a way that could unlit, reduce, <br />interfere with, or preclude QS's ability to perform its obligations under des Contract (including a statement ofwhether and <br />to what wdent this circumstance may limit or preclude QS's ability to p"Ibmi under this Contract') <br />12A Denionstraleto FPL's reasonable satisfaction that QS has established Site Control, an agreement for Ole <br />ownership or lease of the Facility's site, for the Tam of the Contract. <br />3,2.5 Complete all enviromnental impact studies ind comply with applicable environmental laws necessary for the <br />construction, operation, and maintenance of the Facility. <br />3.2,6 At M.'s request, provide to FPI, electrical specifications mid design drawings pertaining to the Facility <br />for FPL's review prior to finalizing design of the Facility and before beginning construction work based on such <br />spteifimfiorr; and drawings, provided FPL's review of sueh specifications and design shall not be construed as endorsing <br />the specification, and design thereof, or as any express or implied warranties including Wfonnanex, safiety, durability or <br />reliability of die Facility. QS shall provide to FPL reasonable advance notice of any changes in the Facility and provide to <br />FPL specifications mid design drawings ofany such changes, <br />12,7 Within fifteen (15) days after die close of each month from the first month following the Effective Date until the <br />Capacity Delivery Date, provide to FPL a monthly progress report (in a form reasonably satisfactory to FPL) and agree to <br />regularly scheduled meetings between representatives of QS and FPL to review such monflily rcons and discuss QS's <br />construction progress, Die Monthly Progress Report shall indicate whether QS is on target to meet the Capacity Delivery <br />Date, If, for any reason, FPL has reason to believe that QS may fail to achieve the Capacity Delivery Date, then, upon <br />FPL's request, QS shall submit to FPL, within tan (10) business days of stick request, a remedial action plan (-Rerrierlial <br />Action Plan) drat sets forth a detWcddcsai Ption OfQs,s proposed count of action to promptly achieve the Capacity <br />Delivery Date. Delivery ofa Remedial Action Plan does not relieve QS of its obligation to meet the Capacity Delivery <br />Date. <br />3,3 FPL shall have die right, bul not the obligation, to: <br />33.1 Inspect during business hours upon reasonable notice, or obtain copies of all Pennits held by QS, <br />33,2 Consistent with Section 3.2.6. notify Q$ in writing orthe results ofthe review within thirty (30) days of FPL's <br />receipt of all specificatiom for the Facility, including a description of any flaws perceived by FPL in the design, <br />33.3 Inspect the Facility's constniction site cc on-�sitc QS data and information pertaining to the racifityriming <br />business hours upon reasonable notice. <br />(C,onfirmcd on Shect No. 9.033) <br />Issued by: 4S. E. Romig, Director, Rates and Tariffs <br />Effective: September 13, 2016 <br />