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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 11 <br />(Continued it= Shed No. 9.032. 1 ) <br />Sale of Energy and Capacity by the OS <br />Attachment A <br />Tenth Re, wed Meet No. 9.033 <br />Ninth Street .No. 9.033 <br />4.1 Consistent with the tents Item& the QS shall sell and deliver to FPL and FPL shall purchase arid receive from the QS at the Delivery <br />Point (defined below) all of the energy and firm capacity generated by the Facility. FPL shall have the sole and exclusive right to Purchase <br />all energy and capacity produced by the Facility. The purchase and sale of energy and firm capacity pursuant to this Contract shall be a ( ) <br />net Ming arrangement or ( ) simultaneous purchase and sale arrangement; provided, however, that no such arrangement shall cause the QS <br />to sell more energy ad finut capacity dun the Facility's net output. The billing methodology may be Changed at the option of the QS, <br />subject to the provisions of FPI, Rate Schedule QS -2. rot purpose -5 of this Contract, Delivery Point shall be defined as either (4) the point <br />of interconnection between FPL's system and die tranunission system of the final utility transtuitting energy Mid firm Capacity from the <br />Facility to the FPL system, as specifically described in the applicable Wheeling Agreement, or (b) the point of interconnection between the <br />Facility and HIL's transmission system, as sliccifically described in the Interconnection Agrecructut. <br />4.2 The QS shall not rely on interruptible standby service for the startup requirements (initial or othenvise) Of the Facility, <br />43'rhe QS shall be mpousible for all costs, charges mid penalties associated with development mul operation of the Facility. <br />4.4 The Q$ shall be responsible for all interconnection, electric losses, InutsinisMon and ancillary service arrangements and costs <br />required to deliver, on a firm basis, the flini capacity mid atergy frm the Facility to the DeliveTyPoint. <br />Comanitted Capatetty/Capachy Delivery Dole <br />5.1 The QS corrunits to sell and deliver firm capacity to FPL at the Delivery Point, the amount ofiviach shall be detemined in <br />accordance with this Section 5 (the "Committed Capacity). Subject to Section 5.3 the Couirnfitted Capacity shall be- <br />KW, delivery date no later than the in-service date of the Avoided Unit or is otherwise specified in Appendix F (the'rjimranteed <br />Capacity Delivery Date-). <br />51 Testing of the Capacity of the Facility (each such test, a "Cominitted Capacity Test') shall be performed in accordance with the <br />procedures get forth in Section 6. The Dationstration Period (deffised herein) for the first Committed Capacity Test shall Commence no <br />Mile[ thart six (6) 111olths prior to the Capacity Delivery Date and testing must be completed by 11.59 p,in EST on the date prior <br />to the Guaranteed Delivery Mie, The first (Avratritted Capacity Test shall be deemed sucovssfidly couipleted when the QS, demonstrates to <br />FPL's satisfaction that the Facility can snake available capacity of at least one hundred percent (I 000%) or the Committed Capacity set forth <br />in Section 5.1. Subject to Section d.t, the QS may schedule and perroun up to dwee (3) Cortunitted Capacity Tests to satisfy the <br />capacity requh,ements or the Contract <br />53 FPL shall have the right to require the QS, by notice no less than ten (10) business days prior to such proposed test, to validate the <br />Committed Capacity of the facility by ribains of subsequent Corntuitted Capacity Tests as follows: (a) once per each Sturtater period mid <br />once per each Winter period at FPL's sole discretion,(b) at any time the QS is unable to Comply with any material obligation under this <br />Contract for a period of thirty (30) days or more in the aggregate as a consequence of an event of Force Majeure, and (c) at any tune the QS <br />fails in three consecutive months to achieve an Annual Capacity Billing Factor, as defined in Appendix B (the "ACOF), equal to or greater <br />Duan 70%. `!lie results of arty such test shall be provided to FPL within seven (7) days of the conclusion of such test On and after the date of <br />such requested Committed Capacity Test, and onfil the completion of subsequent Committed Capacity Test, the Committed Capacity shall <br />be deemed as the lower ofthe tested Capacity or the Contruitted Capacity asset forth in Section 5.1, <br />5A Notwithstanding anything to the couttary herein, tilt Colurnitled Capacity shall not exxeed did antount set forth in. Section M without the. <br />prior written Consent of FPL, such ccatsent not unreasonably withheld - <br />5.5 The -Capacity Delivery Date" shall be defined as the first calendar day immediately after the date following the last to occur of (a) the <br />Facility's socecssf4l completion of the first Cominitted capacity 'rest but no earlier omit the commiencone"t date for deliveries Of firm <br />Capacity aril energy (as such is specified in Appendix 13) and (b) the satisfaction by QS of the following Delivery Date Conditions (defined <br />below), <br />(Continued on Sheot14o.9,033,1) <br />Issued by; Tillany Cohen, Senior Director, RuguLator.i Ratan, Cost of'Service and systems <br />Effective- January 1, 2022 <br />07 4 1 <br />