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7/25/2022 10:11:06 AM
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Board of County Commissioners
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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 13 <br />Attachment A <br />Third Wvised Sheet No. 9.034 <br />FI>ORif)A POAWR & LIGHT COMPANY Cancels Second Revised Sheet Nlo. 9.034 <br />(Continued frwn Sheet No. 9.033) <br />Testing Procedures <br />6.1 The C,rnnmitted Capacity Test mins, be completed success€idly within a sixty -hour pwtied (ilia " f)ert on tratkon Peri<xl'), which <br />period, including the approximate start time of the C: ommined Capacity Test, shall be selected and scheduled by the Qfi IV means of a written <br />notice to FPL delivered at least thirty (30,) days prior to lite start of such period. The provisions of the forcgoing sentence shill not apply to <br />any Committed Capacity Test required by FPL under any of die provisions of this Contract. FPL stall have Ude right to be present cuhsite to <br />monitor airy Contained CapacityTest required or pernutted under thisCoatnict. <br />6.2 Committed Capacity Test results shall be based on a test period of twenty-four (24) consecutive hours (the `Committed <br />Capacity Test Period') at the highest sustained net KW rating at which die Facility can operate without exceeding the design operating <br />conditions, temperature, pressures, and other parameters deft by the applicable manufacturdr(s) for steady state operations at the Facility. <br />If the QS is a REP Ute Committed Capacity `fest shall be conducted utilidng as the sole fuel somo a fuels or energy sources included in the <br />definition in Section 366.q I, Florida Statutes. The Committed Capacity Test Period shall commence at the time designated by the QS <br />pirstatt to Section 6.1 or at such other time requested by FPL pursuant to Section 4.3; provided, however, that the Conuiiitted Capacity Test <br />Period tray commence earlier than such time in the event that FPL is notified of, and consents to, such earlier time. <br />6.3 For die avoidance of doubt, nortual station service use of unit attxiliaries, including, without limitation. cooling towers, heat <br />exchangers, and other equipment required by law, shall be in service dating the Committed Capacity Test Period Further, the QS siiall af€ect <br />deliveries of any quantity and quality ofcontracted oogeramited steam to the steam host during the Commitled Capacity Test Period. <br />6.4 The capacity of the Facility shall be the average net capacity (generator output minus stodliary) measured over the Committed <br />Capacity Test Period. <br />6.5 The Committed CapacityTe-u shall be performed according to prudent industry totig procedures satisfactory to FPI. for the <br />appropriate teclutology of die QS. <br />6.6 [ xcept as otherwise provided herein, results of any Committed Capacity Test shall be submitted to FPI. by the Qfi withinseven <br />(7) days of die conclusion of de Coummilled CapacityTest. <br />Payment for Electricity= Produced by the Facility <br />7,1 Energy <br />FPL agrees to pay the QS for energy produced by the Facility acid delivered to than Uelivety Point in accordance with the rates alit <br />procedures c+mtained in FPL's approved state Schedule QS -2, attacW hereto as Appendix A, as it may be amended from time to <br />time and pursuant to the election of energy Payment options as specified in Appendix E. The Parties agree that this Contract shall be <br />subject to all of tie provisions contained in Pale Scliedu1e QS -2 as approved and on file tvith the PPSC. <br />7.2 Firm Capacity <br />FPL agrees to pay the QS fdr the firm capacity described in Section 5 in accordance with tie rates and procedures contained in <br />Pate Schedule QS -2, attached hateto as Appendix A, as it nay ire atien&d and approvmI from trine to time by the FPSC, acid laustmrn <br />to the election of a capacity payment option as specified in appendix E. The QS understands and agrees that capacity payments will <br />be made under the early capacity payment options only if the CSS has achieved the Capacity Delivery hate and is delivering firm <br />capacity and energy to FPL. Once elected by the QS, the capacity payment option cannot be changed during the term of this Contract. <br />7.3 Payments <br />Payments due the QS will be made monthly and normally by the twentieth business day following the end of the billing period A <br />statement of the kilowatt -hoes sold by the QS and the applicable avoided energy rate at which payments are being made shall <br />accompanythe payment to the QS. <br />(Continued on Sheet No. 9.035) <br />Issued by: Tiffany Cohen, Director, Rates and Tariffs <br />Effective: June 9, 2020 <br />
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