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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 14 <br />Attachment A <br />Second Revised Sheet No. 9.035 <br />FUORTDA POWER & LIGHT CONTPANV Cancels First Sheet No. 9.035 <br />(Oxibnaed from Sheet No. 9.034) <br />a. Electricity Production and Plant Maintenance Schedule <br />8.1 Dining ate lenn of this Contract no later thain sixty (60) days prior 0 die Capacity Delivery Date mid prior to April I of each <br />calendar your thereafter, the QS shall subtrit to FPL in writing a detailed plan of (a) the amount oflitut capacity mid energy to be generated <br />by the Facility mid delivered to the Delivery Point for each month of Ane following calendar year. and (b) the time, duration and nagnitude of <br />any scheduled inaintenaince period(s) told any anticipated reductions in capacity, <br />82 By October 31 of each calendar year, FPL shall nod fy the QS in writing whether the requested scheduled Trillintalance Periods <br />in the detailed plan are acceptable. If FPL objects to any of the requested scheduled maintenance periods, FPL " advise the Q8 of the time <br />period closest to the requested petior(s) when the outage(s) can be scheduled. The QS shall schedule maintenance outages only dining <br />periods approved by FPL, such approval not unreasonably withlied. On" the schedule for maintenance has been established and approved <br />by FPL, either Party may request a subsequent change in such schedule and, except when such event is due to Force Majeure, request <br />apptoval for such change from (tit Other Party, suety approval not to be unitasormbly withheld or delaye& Scheduhid maintenance outage <br />days shall be limited to seven (7) days M calendar year unless the trantithetwer's recommendation of maintenance outage days for the <br />technology and equipment used by the Facility exceeds such ;day period, provided, such number of clays is considered reasixtable by prudent <br />industry standards and does not exceed two (2) fiNtileen (14) day intervals, one in the Spring and one in the Fall, in any calendar year. <br />The sciledloed maintenanee outage days appheable for the QS am_ days in the Spring mid days in the Fall of each calendar <br />year, provided the conditions specified in the previous sentence are satisfied. in no event shall maintenance periods be scheduled during the <br />following periods: June I through and including October 3 is( and December I through arxi including February 28 (or 29'h as the ease , may <br />be), <br />8.3 The QS shall comply with reasonable requests by FPL regarding day-to-day and hour-by-liour communication between the <br />Parties relative to electricity production and maintenance scheduling. <br />8A Dispatch and Control <br />8.41 The power supplied by the QS hereunder sliall be in the form of three-phase 60 Hertz alternating current, at a nominal <br />oivr.iting voltage of 000 volts (-kV) and power factor diVatchable and controllable in the range of 85% logging to <br />S 1 <br />51 o leading as mcasaired at the Delivery Point to maintain system operating paiwacters, as specified by FPL <br />8.4.2At all times during the term orf this Contract, the QS shad operate and maintain die Facility: (a) in such a warm as to ensure <br />compliance with its obligations hereunder, in accordance with prudent engineering and operating practices and applicable law, and (b) with <br />all system protective equipment in service whenever the Facility is connected to, or is operated in parallel with, FPL's system, The QS shall <br />install at the Facility those system protection and control devices necessary to ensure safe and protected opermion of all energized equipment <br />dining tionnal testing and repair, The QS shall have qualified paxonlict test and calibrate all protective equipment at regular intervals in <br />accordance with good engineering will Operating practices, A unit ftinctional trip test shall be performed after each overhaul of the Facility's <br />turbine, generator or bailers and the results shall be prowidled to FPL prior to returning the Facility to service. The specifics of the unit <br />ftinctional trip test will be emsistent with gaud citgnicaring and operating practices. <br />8,43 If The Facility is separated frim the FPL system for any reason, under no circumstalwesshall the QS reconnect the Facility <br />into FPL*s system without first obtainnig RL'slitior written approval. <br />8.4.4 During the tenn of this Contract, the QS shill employ qualified persmiel for managing, operating and maintaining the <br />Facility and for coordinating such with FPL- If the facility has a Committed Capacity greater than 10 MW dim the QS " ensure that <br />Operating pemnutel are on duty at all times, twenty-four (24) hours a calcudar day and seven (7) calendar days a week. Ifthe Facility has a <br />Committed Capacity equal to or less than 10 MW then the QS shall ensure that operating personnel are on dilly at least eight (8) hours M <br />day from 8 AM EST to 5 Phi EST from Monday to Friday, with an Operator on call at all other hours, <br />8.4.5FPL shall at all times be excused tion its obligation to parchase mid receive energy arid capacity hereunder, and FPL shall <br />have the ability to require the QS to curtail or reduce deliveries of energy, to the went. necessary (a) to maintain the reliability and integrity <br />orally, pan of FPL's system, (b) in the event flim FPL deterrinnesthat a failure to do so is likely to endanger life or property, or (c) is likelyto <br />result in significant disruption ofelectric service to FPL's customers- FPI. shall give the QS prior notice, irpracticable, of its intent to refuse, <br />curtail Or reduce FPT,'s acceptance orenergY and finn capacity pussumil to this Section and will ad to minimize lite fluluency and duration <br />of such occurrencc& <br />(Coritinvied on Sheet No,9.036) <br />ISSUM Dy: S.P- KOM 19,1J1rCC1OrKa1CSUlld jurnis <br />Effective: %tpirtaller 13,2016 <br />-7-4 <br />