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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 20 <br />Attachment A <br />First Revises! Sheet No. 9.041 <br />FLORIDA PO%VFR & I,1G1IT CONTPANV Cancels Original Sheet No. 9.441 <br />(Continual from Sheet No 9.040) <br />13. FPI,1% Rights in the rvebt of Ddault <br />131 Upon the occurrence of any of the Events ofDofitalt in Section 12, M may: <br />(a) terminate Go Contrite without penalty or firtlier obligation, vxetpt w net forth in &ltion 13.2, by written notion to the QS, and offset <br />against any payment(s) due from FPL to the QS, any monies otherwise due from the QS to FPL4 <br />(b) draw on die CompletiowPurformance Security pursuant to Section 9 or collect the, Termination fee punnioull to Section 10 as <br />applicable; and <br />(c) exercise any other remedy(ies) which may he available to FPI, at low or in equity. <br />13.2 In the case of elk Event of Defisaft, Ike QS recognizes that any remedy at low may be inadequate because this Contract is unique <br />and/or because the actual damages of FPL may I* difficult to reasonably m;Qvrtwn. Therefore, the QS agrees that FPL shall be entitled to pursue wit <br />action for specific performance, and the QS waives idl ofits rights to assert w a definve to such action that FPL,l; remedy at law ivadquate. <br />13.3 Temlination shelf not affect the liability or either party for obligations wising prior to such termination or for damages, if my, <br />resulting, from any bleach or this Contract, <br />14. Indellinificution/Limits <br />14A FPL and the QS shall each be responsible for its ourn facilities_ FPI. and the QS shall each be responsible for ensuring adequate <br />safeguards for other FPL customers, FPL's mid die QS's personnel and equipment, and for die prowdon of its own generating system. Subject to <br />section 2.7 Indemnity to Company, or section 2.7t Indannity to Company - Governmental, FPL'q General Rules mid Regulations or TwiffShect <br />No b.020 each party (the -Inelemlutying Party") agrees, to the extent permitted by applicable low, to indemnify, pay, defend, mid hold harritleas the <br />other party (the "Indemnifying Pmty*) and its officen, dirmlors, employees, agmto and watrectors (hatirtaftcr called respectively. "FPL Entities" <br />and *'Q3 Entities') from arid against any mid all daimp, dimiathis, costs, or expenses for low, damage, or injury to pavom, or Property of the <br />Indemnified Party (or to third purtiew) caused by, arising out of, or romiltitilt from: (a) a breach by the Indemnifying Party of its covenants, <br />representations, and warranties or obligations hereunder, (b) any act or omission by the tndemaifying Party or its contractors, agents, servants or <br />employees in connection with the installation or operation of its generation system or the operation thereof in connection With the other I'mity's <br />system, (e) any defect in, fifilinii of, or firtaft related to, die Indemnifying Party's Serwratkni system; (d) die negligeince or willful miscorduct of the <br />Indemnifying Party or its oormactom agents, slarvalaft or employees, or (a) any other event, sot or incident, including the transmission and we of <br />c1ce(ficity, that is the result of, or proximately caused by, the ludianni6ing Party or its contractors, agents, servants or employees, <br />14.2 Payment by art Indemnified Party will net be a condition precedent to the oblifafions of the ImWmm6* Party under Section 14, No <br />Indemnified Party undw Section 14 shall settle may claim for which it dairlig indemnifion lion hereunder with" firyt allowing the Indemnifyipf Potty <br />the light to defend such a claim. The Indemnifying Party #find have no obligations under Section 14 in the event are breach of the foregoing sentence <br />by the Indemnified Perry, Section 14 shall survive termination of this Agreement, <br />14.3 Limitation oil ComquentiaL Incidental and Indirect Damages. TO THE FULLEST EXTM PERMITTED BY LAW, NEITHER THE <br />QS NOR Fill, NOR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICERS, DIREC)RS, AGENTS, EMPLOYELN, MEMBERS, PARENTS, SU13SIDIAR10% OR <br />AFFILIKI-JiS, SU(7CESSORS OR ASSIGNS, OR THEIR RESPECTIVE OFFICrAS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, MEMBERS, <br />PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS OR ASSIGNS, SHALL BE LIABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY OR THEIR <br />RFSPFCT`WE OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, AGENTS, EMPLOYEES, MEMBERS, PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS <br />OR ASSIGNS, FOR CLAIM -S, SIJrM, ACTIONS OR CAUSES OF ACTION FOR INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, PUNITIVE, <br />MULTIPLE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES CONNECTED WITH OR RESULTING FROM PERFORMANCE OR NON-PERFORMANCE <br />OF THIS CONTRACT, OR ANY ACTIONS UNDERTAKEN IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATED TO THIS CONTRACT, INCLUDING <br />WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY SUCH DAMAGES WHICH ARE BASED UPON CAUSES OF ACTION FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT, <br />TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE AND MISREPRESENTATION), BREACH OF WARRANTY, STRICT LIABILITY, STATUTE, <br />OPERATION OF LAW, UNDER ANY INDEMNITY PROVISION OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF RECOVERY. TO THE EXTENT ANY <br />DAMAGES REQUIRED TO BE PAID HEREUNDER ARE LIQUIDATED, THE PARTIES ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE DAMAGES ARE <br />DIFFICULT OR IMPOSSIBLE TO DETERMINE, THAT OTHERWISE OBTAINING AN ADEQUATE REMEDY IS INCONVENIENT, AND <br />THAT THE LIQUIDATED DAMAGES CONSTITUTE A REASONABLE APPROXIMATION OF THE ANTICIPATED HARM OR LOSS. IF <br />NO REMEDY OR MEASURE OP DAMAGES IS EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, THE OBLIGORS LIABILITY SHALL BE LIM1717ED TO <br />DIRECT DAMAGES ONLY, AND SUCH DIRECT DAMAGES SHALL BE THE SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE MEASURE OF DAMAGES AND <br />(Continued on SheetNo. 9.042) <br />Issued by: S. E. Romig, Director, Rates and Tariffs <br />Effective: June 25, 2013 <br />I -do <br />