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ORDER NO. PSC -2022 -0203 -PAA -EQ <br />DOCKET NO. 20220072 -EQ <br />PAGE 21 <br />Attachment A <br />$*#o"jtLiArRev1%ed Shect No. 9.042 <br />FLORMAPONYFR&IAGHTCOMPANY Cancels.'+s�rou 44411evLsed Sheet No. %042 <br />(Cwtimcd from Sheet No. 4,041) <br />ALL, OTHER REMEDIKS OR DAMAGES AT LAW OR IN EQt -ITY ARE WAIVED; PRQYI)FP HOWEVER THE PARTIES AGREE <br />THAT TILE PoRi'-,00ING uml'rxrlONS WILL NOT IN ANY WAY Ll2NAFf LIABILITY OR DAMAGES UNDER ANY THIRD PAKI'Y <br />CLAIMS OR THE LIABILITY OF A PARTY WHOSE ACTIONS OWING RISE TO SUCH I,IAB]LrrY CONSTITI.TTE GROSS NEGLIGENCE <br />OR WILLFUL MISCONDUCt'. TflL PROVISIONS OP'tTIV5 SECTION SHALL APPLY REQAPDLLSS OF FACIA'ASI) SHALL sURVAtli <br />TEnIINATION, CANCELLATION, SUSPENSION, COMPLETION OR EXPIRATION Of THIS CONTRACT, NOTHING CONTAINED IN <br />THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE DEEMEDTO BEA WAIVER Of A PARTY'S RIGHT TOSEEK INJUNCTIVE RELIEF, <br />1& Insurance <br />15.1 The QS shall procure or cause to be procured, and shall maintain throughout ate entire teen of this Contract, a policy or <br />policies or liability fitsunince issued by an insurer acceptable to F1% on a standard 111suraocc Services Office" commercial general liability. <br />form (Such policy or policies, collectively, The *QS Insurance'), A certificate of insunmat hall be delivered to FPI, at least fifteen (15) <br />calendar days prior to the start of any interconnection work, At a ininimum, the Q3 Insurance shall contain (a) an cri(kirserritnt providing <br />coverage, including jx-aducL5 habilityloorrilgeted for the tem, of this Contract, aixt 6)) a brni j*om, contractual liability <br />endorsement coveritig liabilities (i) which might arise uMer, or in the performance cc nonperfmitaric.- of, this Contract and the <br />Interconnection Agreemnit or (ii) caused by operation of the Facility or any of the QS's equipment or by the QS's fiflure to maintain the <br />Facility or the QS's equiptnein in satisfactory and safe operating condition. Effective at least fifteen (15) calendar days prior to the <br />synchronization of the Facility with FPL's system, the QS Insurance shall he amended to include coverage for interruption or curtailment of <br />power supply in accordance with indwirystandards, Without firniting the foregoing, the QS Insurance total he reasonably acccli(atile to FPL. <br />Any prainjuni assessment or deductible shall be Ar the account of the QS and notFPL, <br />15.2 The (,)S Insurance Shall have a ininitnurn limit or one million dollars (51,000,000) per occurrerwe, And tivo rinUigli dgar <br />a s <br />Inifit. for Lvdilyinjury (molt ding death) orpropertydarnage, <br />153 In the event that such insurance becomes totally unavailable or procurement thereof becomes commercially imincdcable, <br />such unavailability shall not constitute an Lverit of Default under this Contract, but FPL and the QS shall enter into ncgotiaiiojis to devc1op, <br />substitute protection which the Parties in their reasonable judgment deem adequate. <br />15.4 To the extent that the QS insurance is on a "claims made" basis, the retroactive date of the policy(ies) shall be the effective <br />date of this Contract or such other date as maybe agreed upon to protect the interests of the FPL Entities and the QS Entifies. Furthennore, to <br />the extent the QS Irismance is on a "claims made" basis, the QS's duty to provide insurance coverage shall survive the termination of this <br />Contract until the expiration of the maximum statutory period of limitations in the State of Florida for actions based in contractor in tort. To <br />the extent the QS Insurance is onan "occurrence" basis, such insurance shall be maintained in effect at all times by the QS during the term of <br />this Contract. <br />15.5 The QS Insurance shall provide that it may not be cancelled or materially altered without at least thirty (30) calendar days' <br />written notice to FPL, The QS shall provide FPL with a copy of any material communication or notice related to the QS Insurance within ten <br />(10) business days of the QS's receipt or issuancethereof. <br />15.6 The QS "I be designated as the named insured and FPL shall be designated as an additional named insured wider the QS <br />Insurance. The QS Insurance sitall be endorsed to be primary to any coverage maintained by FPL <br />16. Force Mqjeure <br />Force Majeure is defined as an event or curcurrislance that is not within the reasonable control of or the result ofthe negligence of, <br />the affected party, and which, by the exercise of due diligence, the affected party is unable to overcome, avoid, or cause to be avoided in a <br />commercially reasonable manner- Such events or circumstances may include, but are not bruited to, acts of Goil, war, not or nisunceitm, <br />blockades, embargoes, sabotage epideruies, e.,qilosions and fires not originating in the Facility or caused by its operatiori, burricaries, floods, <br />strikes, lockouts or Wier labor disptites, diflicultics (not caused by the Idure oftho affected party to comply with the terms of a cottective <br />bwgaining agreement), of actions, or restraints by court order or govemmentalautbority or arbitration aivard Force Majeureshall not include <br />(a) the QS's ability to sell capacity and energy to another market at a more advantageous price; (b) equipment breakdown or inability to use <br />equipment caused by its design, ootistruction, operation, maintenance or inability to meet regulatofy mandauls,or otherwise caused by an <br />event originating in the Facility, (c)) a failure otperformhuce of any other entity, includnig any entity providing electric tniiruiTision service <br />to the QS, except to the extent that such failure was raised by an event that would o1hemise qualiA, as a Force Majeure event; (d) failure of <br />the QS to timely apply for or obtainpamits, <br />(Continuad on Sliest No. 9.043) <br />Issued Cohen, Senior Director, Regulatoi-v Rates, Coit of Service and Systems <br />JAIMIV !N"It#1144W4AJ-� <br />